6 < tacos

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Chat edited


Henry joined chat

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Henry- mom

Emma joined chat

Emma- WHAT😡😤😠

Henry- hi😄

Emma- you wake me up at 12 in the middle of the night to tell me hi😡👿😤😡

Regina joined chat

Regina- Emma don't talk to our son like that

Henry- yeah what mom said😇

Killian joined chat

Killian- what's wrong love

Emma- Henry woke us up in the middle of the night to tell me hi

Neal joined chat

Neal- hi

Neal reads chat

Neal- how did Killian wake up so fast?

Emma- um

Regina- Henry leave this chat now

Henry - why

Everybody - Henry leave

Henry left chatroom

Neal- are you to 'sleeping' together

Emma- no we were making tacos

Regina- looks like some pirate was hungry 😏😉

Neal - with the pirate why not me

Emma- because I don't love you k, got it

Neal- so mean

Neal left chatroom

Killian- a little harsh love don't you think

Emma- I don't love him I love you

Killian- I love you to

Emma and Killian left to go and make more tacos

Regina- screen shots this is going in the black mail box

Regina invited Snow and David

Snow and David accepted

Snow- what do you want it is the middle of the night

Regina- read the chat

Snow and David readied chat

Snow- yes more grandchildren

David- I'm going to kick that pirates

Regina- language

Snow- let them have fun David, let her be happy

David - your right lets go make some tacos😏

Snow- lets go

Snow and David left chat

Regina screenshot

Regina- black mail box

Regina left chat

Once Upon A Time Texting * Complete * $Under Editing$Where stories live. Discover now