32< team Hunters ?

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Authors note : these are the new members. Bree is 12 years. Serena is 12 years. Jim is 13. And Ryan is 13. Hope you enjoy.

Story Brook Squad joined chat

Bree joined chat

Ryan joined chat

Serena joined chat

Jim joined chat

Henry - who are u guys

Jim - I'm Jim

Serena - he knows that smart one

Jim - how does he know my name. ARE U A STALKER.

Ryan - clam down Jim he can read it

Jim - how

Bree - cause of the chat room

Ladan - yeah when ever you talk or in this case type your name shows up

Jim - oh

Haley - he's the dumb one isn't he

Ryan - yup

Serena - so the reason we started this chat is to ask you a question

Henry - that question is

Bree - can we join your squad

Jack - oh yeah you guys are the new members right

Jim - yup

Henry - can u do have a special talent or hobby

Serena - well I have fire powers, I can read minds, can move stuff with my mind, Im a expert at using swords, I can sing, bit of a jock and prep at the same time, my sister is Bree

Haley - I'm a prep to, what are the odds

Bree - I'm a jock, a bit of nerd, a book worm, oh and I love singing to, and I have water powers, I know how to use a bow and arrow, and like Serena said we're sisters

Jim - I'm geek, I can hack, I also built cool stuff

Ryan - I know how to turn any thing in to a weapon, I can shot a blast from my hands, I can also read minds

Ladan - awesome

Jim - they are also hunters

Henry - what does that mean

Jack - he mean that they hunt and kill people

Ladan. - cool

Cora joined chat

Emma joined chat

Regina joined chat

Killian joined chat

Snow joined chat

David joined chat

Robin joined chat

Cora - did I heard the word kill

Ryan - hi

Haley - do you guys have code names

Serena - mine is Huntress

Ryan - mine is Arrow

Bree - mine is Black Shadow

Jim - I don't have one cause I'm not a hunter 😔

Henry - are you still part the team

Jim - yeah

Emma - Henry who on earth are these people

Haley - these are our new friends Team Hunters

Killian - team what

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