23 < flipping chairs

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Authors note: sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I was busy. Well that and I was to lazy to make a Chatroom. Oh and please watch Agents of Shield. Also watch OUAT. And please listen to the amazing Fifth Harmony. Love you all.

Henry - mom, mom I'm in trouble

Emma - what's wrong Henry

Regina - yes Henry what's wrong

Henry - I got detention

Regina and Emma - WHAT😧, WHEN😤, WHERE😡, HOW 👿

Robin - what is going on here

Regina - Henry got detention

Killian - what how

Henry - well the teacher said to flip our chairs so the janitors can clean the floor

Emma - and

Henry - I did what she said

Regina - how did you do it

Henry - well I did my best poker face and flipped the chair over

Killian - Henry lad, did u ever think that the teacher wanted you to flip the chair on the Desk

Henry - no I never thought of it that way

Robin - 😒 really you never 'thought' of it

Henry - yeah and can we be like Fifth Harmony

Emma - why

Henry - cause they wrote a song called Miss Moving On

Killian - what does that have to do with anything

Henry - we should all move on for this

Regina - nice try young man but your grounded

Henry - what

Emma - she said" You Are Grounded"

Henry - but but

Robin - but what

Henry - what about my squad

Killian - what squad

Henry - me, grandma, grandpa, Gold, Belle, Grace

Everybody - what

Henry invited Snow, David, Gold, Belle, and Grace

Henry - sup my squad

Grace - sup Henry

Snow - Henry, for the last time we are now your 'squad'

David - I don't know I want to be part of his squad

Snow - 😾 really

Belle - what is a 'squad'

Regina - really out of all the people on this town you choose these guys

Squad - hey

Emma - Regina got a point, I mean I understand Gold, Grace, and maybe Snow and David, but Belle

Belle - hey I can be tough

Regina - your toughness level is a 5 year old saying " No you can't play with us"

( my BFF in the world ladanthegreat  says to me all the time even though it so not true. Sending the love to u little sis😘. Love u so much😘)

Belle - that is so not true

Gold - Belle sweetheart it is true

Belle - 😧😡😤

Belle left chat

Gold - I'll go clam her down

Gold left chat to clam down a angry Belle

Snow - well

Killian - that was weird

Emma - back on topic

Regina - Henry u are grounded for a week

David - no u can't ground him

Emma - why not

Grace - who is supposed to lead us

Regina - really

David - yeah

Emma - well I guess u are going to wait for a week for your leader

Grace - nnnnnnooooooo

Henry - Grace if I never make it out alive I want you to know something

Grace - what is it Henry

Henry - I love u and this sweet sweet yet so cruel world

Grace - I love u too

Everybody - aw

Regina - yuck come on young man

Regina and Emma drag Henry out of chatroom but ear

Grace - I hope he lives

Killian - I'm sure he will

Robin - hey we should make a squad lets call it Once Upon A Time or Robin and the squad

Everybody left chatroom except Robin

Robin - what did I say wrong

Robin left chat

Authors note: I love my sis ladanthegreat . But we are not real sis, it just feels like it. Please follow her. I love you sis with all my heart😘. And Happy late Birthday @xXIILightningIIXx🎉🎂. Love u like a brother.

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