36< Vacation part 2

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Authors note : If anyone is confused Story Brooke Squad is Serena, Haley, Bree, Ladan, Ryan, Jim, Jack, Henry combined cause I don't fell like typing all their names. Hope you enjoy.


Cora joined chat

Story Brooke Squad joined chat

Emma joined chat

Killian joined chat

Snow joined chat

David joined chat

Gold joined chat

Belle joined chat

Robin joined chat

Regina joined chat

Cora - we're here, we're here

Henry - clam down great g

Cora - great g, what that mean

Serena - it means great grandma you old bat

Cora - I'm not old

Ladan - um I bet to differ

Cora - Gold and the pirate are older

Ryan - yay but Killian looks younger than you and Gold

Cora & Gold - hey

Killian - than you

Ryan - your welcome

Regina - let's go you guys

Jim - so where to first

Robin - I've heard of this place called Paris can we go

Henry - no we're in Hawaii no Paris

Robin - but I want to go to Paris

Bree - no we are in Hawaii not Paris

Haley - come on girls let's hit the beach

Bree - let's go

Bree left chat

Ladan left chat

Serena left chat

Haley left chat

Ryan - let's go with the girls

Henry - no way

Ryan - why not

Jim - Serena and Ladan can be weird sometimes

Ryan - leave Serena alone

Belle - OMG you like her

Ryan - no

Cora - who cares who likes who let's go to the club

Regina - I'm coming with you mother

Emma - me to

Emma left chat

Regina left chat

Cora left chat

Belle - back on tack you like Serena don't you

Ryan - nope no way we are just team mates and that's all we're going to be

Ryan left chat

Henry - he so likes her

Snow - we have to set them up

David - yes let's do it

Snow - put a thumb up emoji if you're in

Jim - 👍🏻

Henry - 👍🏻

Jack - 👍🏻

David - 👍🏻

Belle - 👍🏻

Gold - hell why not 👍🏻

Jack - so well call it

Henry - operation love

Jack - no dummy that's to obvious

David - operation together

Jack - operation love it is

Everybody left chat

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