35 < Vaction part 1

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Authors note - so so Ryan I have not been updating. I was a bit busy with school and stuff. And the pic above is to remind you of what they look like. Should I end this book soon or what. Also I am working on a other book I won't publish it until I get enough followers and views on my other book. The book I'm going to write is an original. Hope you enjoy.

Serena joined chat

Bree joined chat

Ladan joined chat

Haley joined chat

Jim joined chat

Jack joined chat

Ryan joined chat

Henry joined chat

Ladan & Serena - 🎤We're going on a trip 🎤

Haley & Bree - 🎤in our favorite rocket ship🎤

Jim & Henry - 🎤Zooming through the sky🎤

Ryan - 🎤Story Brooke Squad🎤

Ladan - that was good guys

Haley - it really was

David joined chat

David - that song is my jam

Snow joined chat

Snow - David stop being so childish

David - never

Serena - oh you did not just say that

Bree - oh yes he did

Ryan - plays Going Down For Real

Jim - it about to go down

Snow - 😡

David - 😰

Emma joined chat

Killian joined chat

Emma - stop before someone hurts them self

Henry - aw your no fun

Emma - I am to fun right Killian

Killian - 😰

Gold joined chat

Gold - aw snap

Belle joined chat

Belle - it about to go down

Regina joined chat

Robin joined chat

Regina - enough of this nonsense

Robin - yeah what she said

Killian - stop copying her

Cora joined chat

Cora - let's go

Regina - where

Serena - what how can you guys forget

Belle - forget what

Ryan - we're going on a family vacation today remember

Everybody - WE FORGOT

Cora - then pack up the plan leaving in like two hours

Emma - Killian pack our bags

Killian - what about Skye

Robin - yeah and what about Rachel

Regina - we will just call Granny

Regina invited Granny

Granny accepted

Granny joined chat

Granny - what do you want I have a dinner to prepare

Snow - will you please watch Skye and Rachel please

Granny - 🙄 fine

Cora - now let's go

Serena - 🎤here we go go go 🎤

Ladan - 🎤on a adventure 🎤

Ladan & Serena - 🎤In the thingy magister up and away🎤

David - did you get that from Cat in the Hat

Serena & Ladan - 😃 yes

Bree - I swear you two are prefect for each other

Serena - what do you mean

Haley - you both are crazy

Jim - just like chipmunks on happy crack

Ryan - yeah exactly

Henry - enough of the jitter jatter

Jim - let's go on vacation

Ladan - 🎤vacation all I every wanted🎤

Serena - 🎤vacation had to get away 🎤

Regina - stop singing and go pack

Serena & Ladan - yes ma'am

Serena left chat

Ladan left chat

Ryan - Jim, Henry let's go pack to

Jim - got it

Henry - let's go

Ryan left chat

Jim left chat

Henry left chat

Cora - hurry up god damn slow pokes I want to go

David - we're going we're going

Everybody left chat

Authors note - Songs from Little Einsteins, Cat in the Hat, and Vacation from Alvin and the Chipmunks Ship Wreck. Hope you enjoyed. 

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