38 < vacation part 4

167 5 6

Thanks for all the votes guys. Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you enjoy.


Serena joined chat

Bree joined chat

Ladan joined chat

Haley joined chat

Henry joined chat

Ryan joined chat

Jim joined chat

Jack joined chat

Bree - are you dating yet

Serena - who

Jack - you and Ryan of course

Ryan - um um

Serena - actually yes yes we are

Jim - yes finally

Haley - Hunting Arrow lives

Henry - finally

Serena - Hunting what

Henry - Hunting Arrow that's you guys ship name

Ryan - how long it took you to come up with that

Bree - it took two weeks but it was worth it

Ladan - 🎶 Hey baby I'm worth it 🎶

Serena - 🎶 Baby I'm worth it 🎶

Haley - you guys

Cora joined chat

Jack - oh great

Jim - here comes crazy

Cora - I'm not crazy

Jack - you crush your daughter's first love heart in front of and made her marry a man twice her age

Snow joined chat

David joined chat

Snow - hey he wasn't twice Regina's age

Jim - where did you learn your math from

Regina joined chat

Regina - thank you guys

Bree - for what

Regina - he was twice my age

David - what we talking about

Serena - first we were talking about Hunting Arrow

Ladan - then Cora joined

Haley - then things went haywire from there

David - oh well I'm leaving

Henry - me to

David left chat

Henry left chat

Cora - Regina am I crazy

Regina - yes

Snow - I agree with her

Jack - I suggest we leave

Ryan - I'm with you

Serena - me too

Haley - my Hunting Arrow agreed on something yay

Serena - oh my gosh I love you all

Bree - I love you to sis

Ryan - are we going to say I love you or get the h🤓ll out of here

Serena left chat

Ryan left chat

Jack left chat

Ladan left chat

Haley left chat

Bree left chat

Cora - I'm not crazy

Snow - are too

Cora - you know what

Regina - what

Cora - I'm leaving this vaca

Snow - fine

Regina - completely fine with me

Cora - good bye

Cora left chat

Regina - finally she's gone

Snow - were we a little to mean to her

Regina - nope she deserves it

Regina left chat

Snow - 🎶 All By myself🎶
              🎶 don't want to be all by myself 🎶

Snow left chat

Hooded figure joins chat

Hooded figure - they never expected a thing evil laughing #EvilLaughterLikeABoss

Hooded figure left chat


How do you think the Hooded figure is? Should he be made up, or a so called dead character from OUAT. Sorry I haven't updated. I'm so shocked what happened last week on OUAT. I was crying so much. My feelings can't take that. They have been thought so much. In every season something has to ruin my Captain Swan. I can't believe they killed my baby. MY BABY. Sorry about that I needed to get that out. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

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