16 < who are you

559 13 15

Story mode :
Just as Zelena raised her hand to use magic, a white portal open up. Two girls stepped out. Just as they left the portal close behind them. There was a girl with blonde hair that touched her hips with eyes as blue as the ocean. The other was a girl with very light brown hair and eyes as brown as chocolate.


Zelena - who are you

Brunette  - your worst nightmare

The blonde and brunette shot some sort of magic at her. Blondes magic was an ocean blue color and the brunette's magic was a light shade of red.

Zelena - screams is agony

Killian - bloody hell, who are you two

Blonde - I'm Skye A.J Jones and this is Rachel Kate Hood points at brunette

Rachel - hi

Emma - hi nice to met you

Neal - tries to tip-toe away

Lily  - he's trying to escape

Belle - oh no he didn't

David - tackles Neal to the ground

Emma - your under arrest for a lot of reasons and so are you Zelena

Robin - so we're are you to from

Gold - he's got a point dearie, where are you from

Skye - well we're from the further

Everybody- what

Zelena- how is that possible

Snow - yeah and who are your parents

Regina - and most importantly how do you two have magic

Rachel - should I tell them or should you

Skye - go ahead my dear friend

Emma - well

Rachel - well my parents are Robin and Regina

Regina - chokes on drink what

Skye - and my parents are Emma and....

Neal - me

Skye - hell it the no, you end up in jail for 15 years and when you got out everybody hated you

Neal - sniffles

Emma - then who is your father

Rachel - wow I thought you were smart by I guess my mom was right

Snow - hey Regina she has your sass

Regina - really I never noticed rolls eyes

David - who is your father

Skye - sigh and shakes head Killian dummies

Neal - I didn't see that coming

Gold - really son are you that naive that you and Ms. Swan will have another child

Neal - yeah

Rachel - my mom was wrong

Belle - about what

Skye - he is dumber that we thought he was

Lily - Lily holds in laugher

Killian - can we get back to the fact that me and Emma's, and Robin and Regina's daughters came back from the future

Belle - so how did you get to this time

Rachel - kind of a long story

Gold - I think we have tons of time dearie

Skye - well you see Zelena cased a curse on Dad and Robin and after 10 years we were born they died on the same day wipes tear

Rachel - and that's when hell broke lose, after they died Mom and Emma left to go kill Zelena but me and Skye follow them and they they died right in front of us tear slides down cheek

Skye - and Mom' s last words were " time portal"

Rachel - 5 years after our parents died Neal got out of jail and killed his father and became the Dark One

Skye - that's when he started killing the town, we had only one choice to come back here and stop Zelena before she cased the curse and not only save our family but the whole world and realms

Lily - what do you mean

Rachel - Neal found a way to bring magic to the whole world AND Zelena found a way to travel realms when she wanted to, it was a living hell

Skye - and the only way to stop them is to kill Zelena or Neal but I suggest both

Rachel  - yeah me too if we don't they could kill every thing except me and Skye cause they want to show us what we so caused even though weren't even born yet

Emma - I'm so sorry for what happened

Rachel - it okay wipes tears

Skye - yeah what she said cleans tears

Snow - come on let's lock these two up and spend quality time as a family

Everybody left chatroom

Authors note : wow 744 words. Please tell me how you feel,about my story and sorry for changing the cover so much. So remember vote and comment and answer these questions and my answers:

1. Favorite ship - Captain Swan

2. Favorite show other than OUAT- Agents of SHIELD

3. Favorite male and female characters
for OUAT and your other favorite show - OUAT : Emma and Killian, Agents of Shield : Skye and Hunter
Please comment on you answers

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