41 < Merry Christmas

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Ladan join chat

Serena join chat

Ladan - We wish you a Merry Christmas

Serena - We wish you a Merry Christmas

Both - And a Happy New Year

Cora join chat

Henry join chat

Ryan join chat

Jim join chat

Jack join chat

Haley join chat

Bree join chat

Bree - I can't wait for Christmas

Henry - me to

Jim - me to

Cora - what's Christmas

Ladan and Serena passed out

Jack - you don't know what Christmas is

Cora - no

Henry left chat

Jim left chat

Jack left chat

Ryan - oh my gosh you don't know what Christmas is

Cora - no

Ryan - forget you

Ryan left chat

Serena - you don't know what Christmas is

Cora - no

Ladan - come on girls let's go

Haley - but I no want to

Bree - just come on Haley

Haley - fine

Haley left chat

Serena left chat

Ladan left chat

Bree left chat

Cora - fine I will just ask Regina

Cora request Regina

Regina reject

Cora - fine I will just ask Miss Swan

Cora request Emma

Emma reject

Cora - somebody better tell me what Christmas is

Pan join chat

Pan - hello Cora

Cora - oh hello Pan

Cora - wait a second Pan

Pan - don't act so surprised I know you know about my plan

Cora - what plan

Pan - you know

Cora - I have no idea what you're talking about

Flexi join chat

Flexi - stop playing around Cora

Pan - Flexi calm down

Flexi - yes Pan

Cora - are you two dating

Pan - oh gosh no

Flexi - whisper I wish

Cora - ha gay

Pan left chat

Flexi - wait for me Pan

Flexi left chat

Cora - I have a plan

Cora request Emma, Regina, Robin, Killian, Snow, David

Emma - what is it Cora

Killian - what do you want

Cora - read the chat

Regina - mother I swear if this is a stupid prank you are dead

Cora - it's not I swear

Everyone reads the chat

Robin - what's Christmas

Snow - are you missing the important part

Robin - that is

David - Flexi is gay

Snow - no Pan is back

David - yeah that is pretty bad. But not as bad as Cora not knowing what Christmas is

Regina - we need to focus k

Killian - yay focus very one

Emma - we need to stop Pan before anything bad happens

Grumpy join chat

Grumpy -help,help

Cora - what is it loud one

Grumpy - Pan kidnapped Team Hunters

Regina - way to jinx us Miss Swan

Emma - sorry

Snow - let's go save them

David - wait

Killian-what is it mate

David - we need a cool team name

Robin - he's right we do

Cora - how about .......................... I got it

Regina - we don't have time for this

Cora - Team Heroes

Emma - how original

Robin - let's go Team Heroes

Team Heroes left chat

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