14 < lets go

593 13 4

Authors note : I'm making these this my self, if you want to find out how I make them download pic collage

Snow - it's time, it's time

Emma - what's time

Henry - the ball, it the ball I can't wait

Regina - who said you were going

Henry- I'm not going

Regina - no your not going

Henry - why

Regina - because your to young

Henry left chatroom to cry his poor little heart out

Emma - nice job Regina

Regina - what

Emma - you made him cry his little heart out

Snow - I'll go make sure is alright

Snow left chatroom

Neal - Emma I have a question

Emma - what Neal

Neal - will you go to the ball with me

Killian - no, no she will not

Emma - what he said, plus this ball is to celebrate our engagement

Belle - baefire leave them alone

Gold - yes son leave them alone

Neal - fine

Gold - oh and son, please grow up

Neal - yes papa

Gold - good boy now let's go to the ball

Belle - yes let's go

Gold, Belle, and Neal left chatroom

David - that was so awkward

Robin - yes yes it was

Dr. Whale - are all the chats this awkward

Killian - sometimes

Leroy - we better get going

Emma - let's go

Everybody  left chatroom

Zelena turned off invisible

Zelena - yes will make my name heard at the party play's evil cracking

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