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Killian join chat

Pan join chat

Bree join chat

Snow join chat

Robin join chat

Haley join chat

Jim join chat

Gold join chat

Ryan join chat

Pan - *Deep scary voice* You wanna play a game.

Ryan- That's copy right, you can't say that with out giving the person who said the with credit or use quotation marks.

Pan- Where did you learn that?

Ryan- I honestly have no idea bro.

Pan- I am not your "bro" little boy. Hold up I got the one. Let's get this party.

Haley- Oh there's a party, I wanna be invited.

Gold- Not a real party dumb a@s.

Ryan- Still copying. Jennifer Lopez song.

Pan- Fine.🙄 You ready to save your love ones?

Everyone - Yes.

Pan - Who should go first? You, him, or her?

Ryan - Who's he talking to?

Killian - I don't know. I think he's gone insane.

Pan - Heard that or well read that.

Jim - "I volunteer as tribute."

Haley - Nice quote man.

Jim - Thanks.

Pan - Let's play boys. 😏

Pan - Jim you first.

Jim - I got this. I can do this. For Ladan, for Ladan.

Haley - You can do this Jim.

Gold- Poor Laden she's not coming out of this alive.

Ryan- You are NOT helping.

Pan - Who said this ' All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us'.

Jim - Easy Gandalf from Lord Of The Rings duh.

Pan - Whatever🙄. Here you go.

Ladan join chat

Ladan - Where the hell am I

Jim - Home of course

Ladan - Jim 😊

Jim - Ladan 😊😚

Ladan - 😘

Jim - 😘

Pan - Please stop with all the 😘 stuff. I want to get on with the show. Who's next?

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