22 < wedding day

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In the girls chat

Emma - I can't believe this

Red - what's wrong Emma

Emma - they made my dress one size smaller

Snow - rolls eyes Emma it's ok it is not the end of the world

Emma - yes it is

Regina - screams

Belle - Regina what is it

Regina - they got my shoe size wrong

Red and Snow and Belle - epic face plasm

Red - why don't you guys use your magic to fix it

Regina - that is actually not a bad idea

Emma - I wonder how the guys are doing

In the guys chat

Killian - I'm pretty nervous

Robin - yeah me too

David - guys just relax, everything will be all right

Henry - yeah listen to grandpa

Robin - I wonder how the girls are doing

Killian - yeah me too

Gold - Belle just texted me 'help Emma and Regina have Bride Fever'

Henry - what is that

David - it's when the brides have a massive freak out if one little detail is wrong

Robin - like what

David - Red told me when me and Snow were going to get married that the cake was one little inch shorter that it was supposed to be and she almost cancelled the wedding cause of that little detail

Henry - wow, woman are weird

Music starts

Gold - well that is our cue dearies

David - I got to go get them

Time skip everyone is were they are supposed to be, and is at you may now kiss the bride

Preacher - you may now kiss the bride

Robin - kiss Regina

Killian - kiss Emma


Plays some songs

Henry - gets on stage now this is to all the little love sick lovebirds out there

Plays The Words by Christina Perri in the background

Killian - care to dance

Emma - let me think about it, um yes

After the party

Gold - I want to go home

Belle - bye guys

Everybody - bye

Gold and Belle left chat

Emma - let's follow their example

Killian - k love 😉

Emma - when we get home let's make tacos 😉

Emma and Killian left chat

Regina - let's us follow their example

Robin - the leaving or tacos part

Regina - both

Robin - yes my lady

Regina and Robin left chat

Henry - let's go y'all

Snow - Henry we are NOT your squad and will never be

Henry - your lost

Everybody left chat

Once Upon A Time Texting * Complete * $Under Editing$Where stories live. Discover now