40 < Like a Bo$$

191 4 1

Serena join chat

Bree join chat

Haley join chat

Ladan join chat

Serena - girls let's sing another song

Bree - what do you want to sing

Ladan - let's sing Bo$$ by Fifth Harmony

Haley - but we need another singer

Cora join chat

Cora - I'll sing it

Everybody - no

Cora - why not

Serena - cause you can't sing

Cora - can to

Haley - no you can't

Cora - how you know

Ladan - cause you an old bat

Cora -fine

Cora left chat

Serena - we need an other singer

Red join chat

Red - I can sing

Bree - let's do it

Ladan - Everyday is pay day
Swipe my card, then I do the nae nae
You're talking to a lady
I want a Kanye-ye not a Ray J
So that's a no no
I'm a Maybach and you's a Volvo
This convo beat like Dre
I already know whatchu tryna say

Bree - You say that you a baller
And I see you tryna holla
But that ain't how I was brought up
Working for my money
Cuz that's what my momma taught me
So yo ass betta show me some respect

All Together - Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas

All together - C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T
That's me, I'm confident
Don't want yo complimments
Use common sense
I'm on my Michelle Obama...
Shhhh... Shut your mouth
Boy I think you know who run this house
I ain't thirsty for no bae... cuz I already know watchu tryna say

Red - You say that you a baller
And I see you tryna holla
But that ain't how I was brought up
Working for my money
Cuz that's what my momma taught me
So yo ass betta show me some respect

Haley -Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas

Serena - I pledge allegiance to my independent girls in here
Ooh Baby...
So if you're with us, come on let me hear you say...
Yeah, yeah, yeah

All together - Do do do do do

Bree - You say that you a baller
And I see you tryna holla
But that ain't how I was brought up
Working for my money
Cuz that's what my momma taught me
So yo ass betta show me some respect

All together - Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas
Boss... Michelle Obama
Purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas

Haley - #WeDidItLikeABo$$

Red - yup we did, I got to go my sift is over

Ladan - bye

Red - bye

Red left chat

Bree - I'm bored

Serena - me to

Haley - let's go

Haley left chat

Bree left chat

Serena left chat

Ladan left chat

Pan join chat

Pan - I shall have my revenge I just need some assistance

Pan invite Felix

Felix join chat

Felix - yes Pan

Pan - we need to start Plan B

Felix - yes Pan. But one question

Pan - what

Felix - what's Plan B sir

Pan - 🙄 we take a way their happy ending by killing the people they love most

Felix - ok

Pan - now let's go

Pan left chat

Felix left chat

Cora turn off invisibility

Cora - should I warn them or nah

Ryan join chat

Ryan - warn who

Cora - read the chat from the beginning

Ryan read chat

Ryan - well let's go

Cora - go were

Ryan - let's go and warn them

Cora - do we have to

Ryan - yes

Cora - 🙄 fine

Ryan - let's go

Ryan left chat

Cora left chat

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