13 < fine

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Authors note : just to let you know I'm also a huge Agents of Shield fan vote if you are to and comment your favorite OUAT character and Agents of Shield character

Chat edited


Snow - so I was thinking maybe we can have a ball

Emma - what ball

David - an engagement ball

Emma - maybe

Killian - please love

Emma - fine but where will have it

Snow - I knew you would give in so I ask the dwarves to build it 4 months ago

Emma - what do you mean, I just said my engagement two days ago

Henry - Killian wanted to ask you earlier like 4  months early, but he chickened out

Regina - so when will this ball be held

David - um,1 week from now

Everybody else - what

Snow - surprise 🎊

Emma - wait one week from now is my

Killian - bd we already plan it

Robin - so it is a bd party and engagement party

Leroy - yup

Emma - so do I have to pick a dress or

Snow - yup see you in one week

Everybody left chatroom

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