20 < oh Robin

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This is A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Listen to her other songs. My favorite is The Words. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Hope you enjoy.

Regina - looks in the mirror prefect as always wear dress above

Robin - knocks on door

Regina - opens door

Robin - you look great Regina

Regina - you don't look so bad yourself outlaw 😉

Robin - should we getting going

Regina - we should

In the forest

Regina - Robin this is gorgeous

Robin - not as gorgeous as you though

Regina - you are so cheesy but cute

Robin - turns on radio and plays A Thousand Years

Regina - I love this song how did you know

Robin - a little bird told me

Robin- care to dance my queen

Regina - I would love to

Robin - I love you Regina you know that right, you and this baby right

Regina - of course, I love you to

Robin - Regina, I have a question

Regina - what is it Robin

Robin - pulls out a ring

Regina - oh Robin

Robin - gets down on one knee

To be continued 😈

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