9 < a huge gift

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Author note : I made that my self, hope you enjoy and comment also vote.

Henry- lets play a game

Emma - what kind of game

Henry - a trivia kind of game

Everybody - k

Henry- I go first, mom

Emma and Regina - yes

Henry - do you guys want to marry your true love

Emma and Regina - yes x infinite 😀😃😆

Henry - good to know😏

David - Snow,my did you have another love interest instead of me

Snow - um yes😨

Regina - who was it

Snow - um um Graham 😰

Emma and Regina - 😱😱😱😱😱😱

Emma - I kissed him

Regina - I slept with him

Everybody - what😱

Snow - um bye

Snow left chatroom

Emma - this is for Killian

Killian - yes love

Emma - do you want a little pirate running around the house

Killian and Neal   -  Emma what are you ta..... Are you pregnant

Emma - yes and that was meant for Killian Neal

Killian - yes I would love a little pirate

David - soon magical pirate baby's are going to be running around town

Neal - nnnnnnooooooo

Gold - man up son, man up

Regina - do you want a another child Robin

Robin - yes yes yes

Snow re- enter chat room

Snow - what is going on

Henry - my moms are having a baby 😆😀😄😃

Snow - yes my OTPs LIVES 4 EVER

Emma - dang mom

Snow - sorry

Everybody left chatroom except Neal

Neal invited Zelena

Zelena - what

Neal - I take the offer, let's destroy their happy ending

Zelena - welcome to the dark side " wicked laugh "


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