42 < Happy New Year

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Emma join chat

Killian join chat

Snow join chat

David join chat

Regina join chat

Robin join chat

Gold join chat

Belle join chat


Snow - Happy New Year Eve Emma

Bree join chat

Serena join chat

Haley join chat

Ladan join chat

Ryan join chat

Henry join chat

Jim join chat

Jack join chat

Jim - Happy New Year Eve everyone

Killian - where are you guys

Jack - on you know just hanging

Gold - where exactly are you hanging

Serena - were hanging from a ceil

Regina - omg where

Henry - oh you know in Pans basement

Belle - Pans alive

Ladan - yup alive and moving

Bree - you know if he didn't kidnapped us I would so date him

Serena - yeah me too

Ryan - hey right here

Serena - sorry baby I love you 😘

Ryan - Love you too 😘

Snow - aw young love is so cute

Cora join chat

Robin - oh god

Cora - yup that's right I'm here HAPPY NEW YEAR EVE EVERYONE

Regina - mother what do you want with us

Cora - nothing more than to wish Happy New Year Eve to everyone

Gold - or to curse us with your presence

Cora - hey

Henry - hello back to the real problem

Ladan - 🎶Hello from the other side 🎶

Serena - 🎶 I must of call a thousand times 🎶

Belle - one question

Bree - what is it

Belle - how are you talking if your hanging from the ceiling with your hands tied up

Jim - we us the mic button

Killian - oh like I do

Jack - yeah but we do it right

Cora - haha nice one Jack

Killian - 😢 Your mean

Killian left chat

Emma - I'm going to comfort him

Emma left chat

Pan join chat

Pan - aw the pirate and savior left. I guess I'm going to have fun with you all then instead

Serena - back of I'm the Huntress

Pan - and I'm Peter Pan and your out of the game

Serena left chat

Ryan - Serena !!!!! 😥😰😥😰😥😰😰

Bree - what you do to my sister

Pan - she's out of the game

Ladan - what's your game

Pan - you have to guess which show or movie or person I got the quote from

Everyone - fine

Pan - but first I have to take some people

Pan takes Emma, Belle, David, Serena, Henry, Jack, Regina, Cora, Ladan

Robin - Regina

Bree - Henry

Killian - Emma

Gold - Belle

Snow - David

Jim - Ladan

Haley - Jack

Pan - Now I have some leverage. So will you all play or not?

Cora join chat

Cora - doesn't anyone cares about me

Everyone - no

Cora - Rude

Pan drags Cora out

Robin - You can keep her if you want

Pan - No thank you she's you mother in law

Killian - but we don't want her

Snow - Guys😾😡. We are playing for Everyone got it.

Bree - fine 🙄

Snow - good

Pan - let's begin 😏

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