33 < Squad

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Snow joined chat

Snow - Squad Assemble

Story brook Squad joined chat

Henry - only I can say that

Jim - yeah only he can say that

Snow - I forgot the others hold on

Snow invite Charming Softball Team

Charming Softball Team denied

Snow - what

Serena invited crazy family

Emma joined chat

Killian joined chat

David joined chat

Regina joined chat

Robin joined chat

Cora joined chat

Belle joined chat

Gold joined chat

Snow - oh so you guys don't answer to Charming Softball Team but you answer to Crazy Family

Regina - because

Snow - let me guess Charming Softball team is a stupid name

Regina - looks like you get it well enough, why you asked? Oh and I'm NOT a Charming

Gold - since when was I part of is family

Emma - because u are Henry's grandpa

Killian - sadly

Emma - Killian!

Gold - how are u part of the family pirate

Killian - I'm married to Emma witch makes me Henry's step dad so ha

Cora - Prince pine cone is relate to us how

Regina - he's married to me

Snow - anyway the reason I started this chat is so we can have a party

Story Brook Squad - no

Emma - who is going to take care of Skye

Regina - yeah and Rachel

Cora - OMG my OTP is agreeing on something

Serena - no Swan Queen shall die mother fu🤑ker

Cora - 😤

Cora left chat

Jim - so when is the party

Snow - next week

Bree - where is the party

Snow - Granny

Haley - back the phone

Ladan - we are not having a party at granny's

Snow - why

Jim - they have a point I mean we should have like a prom kind of party

Snow - what's prom, oh is it like a ball

Henry - no

Bree - you know what

Everybody - what

Bree - Story Brook Squad should plan the party

Jack - yeah

Ryan - and us guys can pick the clothes for the men

Ladan - and the girls can pick dress for the woman

Jim - sounds like a plan

Henry - set break

Story Brook Squad left to plan party

Snow - what just happened

Gold - you got kicked out of planning a party you wanted to have

David - it's okay honey it happens to the best of us

Snow - 😡😤

Snow left chat

Killian - but who is going to watch Skye

Robin - and Rachel and Roland

Red joined chat

Red - I will

Emma - don't you want to go to the party

Red - nope

Regina - k

David - let's go see what the kids are up to

Chat disabled

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