31 < here she is

308 10 1

Regina joined chat

Robin joined chat

Cora joined chat

Storybrook Squad joined chat

Charming Softball Team with pirate mascot joined chat

Gold joined chat

Belle joined chat

Regina - really Charming Softball team with pirate mascot

Snow - it was a cute name

Emma - no it is not

Cora - any way why are we here

Robin - to welcome the new Hood member

Regina and Robin - Rachel Kate Hood

Ladan - ahah Outlaw Queen lives

Haley - OMG yes they shall live forever

Haley left chat to fan girl

Ladan left chat to fan girl

Cora - these are some weird children

Jack - any way p, congrats on the baby

Cora - I want to see my granddaughter

Regina - let me make myself clear No. Magic. Near. Her. Gotten  it.

Cora - yes ma'am 🙄

Regina - don't roll your eyes at me

Henry - mom, mom I'm sad 😫😩😣😖😰

Emma - why

Henry - Grace broke up with me 😭

Regina - why

Henry - she was going back to Wonderland with her father

Killian - don't worry lad it'll get better

Henry - no it won't 😭

Haley joined chat

Ladan joined chat

Haley - my Mad Believer ship

Ladan - it just crashed like that

Haley and Ladan - 😭WHY 😭

Jack - oh by the way new members are joining the squad

Cora - just great more annoying child to give me a headache

Haley - 🎤 cause I'm only human🎤

Ladan - 🎤and I bleed when I fall down 🎤

Jack - 🎤I'm only human 🎤

Henry - I give that a 9.99

Ladan - really

Henry - yup

Chat disabled

Authors note : sorry Mad Believer shippers. Don't worry Henry will get a new girlfriend soon. Love u all.

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