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To those who asked questions:
Jen is 7 yrs old and Pat is 8 yrs old
No, Jen will NOT be forced fall in love with CCL, because CCL is way older than Jen in this book
I might accidently incorporate some Ninjago stuff into this book
Thanks for the amazing support!

Huh? Captain Cookie, Daddy's friend? Didn't Daddy say he was off doing some special mission? Captain Cookie, as if he read Jen's mind responded, "Your 'Daddy' wanted me to train you for the greater world! I also have another student, but it seems he's a little.... Late...."

Pat ran through the woods, knowing he was late for this "Training Thing" with this Captain guy in Happy Apple Sheep Kingdom. His kingdom was all the way across Happy Forest. Great. He accidently forgot to take Cloud home, and now Jen- Wait! Jen lived in this kingdom! He could possibly see her again! Then Pat burst through the doors of the castle.

Jen?! It couldn't be. That girl he thought was pretty. What was she doing here?! "You late." Noted Captain Cookie. "I....I'm.... I'm sorry, Mr Captain...." Pat stammered. "Pat!" Jen squealed as she hugged him. "Jen, I can't believe it's you...."He quietly whispered.

Captain Cookie assigned the first Mission. "You will," he smiled through his crooked teeth. "Fight the Kraken"

Ugh, I hate short chapters, but I also do hate short-life Phones. I really want to get these chapters out to you all, so please be patient, and maybe ask a question or two to fill in the time. I was so surprised when you all actually started voting. My other fanfics haven't been going well, but this one? I only have one thing to say.


Well, I'll be updating sometime this week, guaranteed. If I don't, just comment on this book.


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