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In the kingdom of HASP, little Princess Jen was picking apples.

Then she heard a noise. A scary noise.

"WHOS THERE?" She asked loudly. Probably too loudly, as she was met by silence.

The bush rustled. She quaked in fear.

Turns out, it was a cute and fluffy little kitty. "Aww, you're so cute! I'm going to take you home and name you Cloud!" She squeaked and ran home.

She forgot her basket of apples, though.

This story might get a bit Ninjago-y, so don't hate me! I'm a Ninjago fan, I can't help myself!

In the woods shortly after Little Jen left, a little boy named Pat came out of the woods looking for his kitty. "Cloud!" He worriedly called. Cloud had gone missing for hours now.

"Oh no, what do I do?" He mumbled. "Cloud's gone, and now I'm lost."

After a few minutes, he discovered a basket of apples with a claw mark on one of the apples. "OH NO! CLOUD WAS KIDNAPPED!" he yelled into the dark woods.

As he inspected his surroundings, he found white fur lying in the grass. Following the curious path of the fur, he found it led straight out of the woods.

So Little Pat got up on his toughened legs and followed the trail. Where does this lead to? He wondered. That naughty little Cloud! If he didn't wander off, he wouldn't have been....

BLAM! Pat whamed into a wall. "What in the..." He muttered, cursing his luck. Turns out, the wall was actually a part of a kingdom barrier.

Well, you don't see that everyday. Pat thought as he wandered through the streets.

"Excuse me?" He asked a little girl around his age. She's so pretty! He thought.

"Yes?" She shyly squeaked back.

"Where am I?" He asked, visibly blushing.

"Hm? Oh, you're in the HAPPY APPLE SHEEP KINGDOM! Home of the apples!" She added. "Try one!"

Pat bit into an apple without hesitation. "Yum!" He gloated. Then he noticed she was carrying a white fluffy ball.

"What's that?" He asked suspiciously.

"What? This little thing?"

"Yeah, uh what is it?"

"It's a kitty I named Cloud that I found in the Happy Forest!"

Pat reeled back. "Let me see! I'm missing my kitty so it could be mine!" Jen held out what seemed to be a sleeping kitty.

"But that's my kitty! I named her Cloud!" Pat yelled, unhappy that Cloud's captor had to be the pretty girl.

In this book, Cloud is a female cat, not a male (Unlike the real life counterpart). Also, if you didn't know already, Pat and Jen adopted a new cat named Cloud due to Alice having some issues, so they had to send her back to the shelter.

"Really? Here you go! I meant no harm to Cloud. Also, my name is Jen." Jen said.

"I'm Pat." he replied, looking away.

Jen... She's so pretty and all. I wonder where she lives?

Just then, the clock bell struck 12 P.M. "Oh no! I have to go! Bye bye Pat!" Yelled Jen as she hurried down a winding path, and disappeared into the bustling crowd.

"Jen...." Pat muttered as he headed back into the Happy Forest. "See you soon."

Not bad for first chapter, eh? (Just me doing a Canadian accent....) Anyways keep watching out for new updates!


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