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Hurro everyone! I figured out how to post pics from my computer! Hope you enjoy!

Nix sat down on a fallen tree, and motioned everyone to follow. "Continue!" Jen urged.

"We were in the same private classroom. He was the more cheekier one, and when I fell one day, he helped me up. He was so nice and defensive."


{When Nix and Pat were 7, while Jen was 6}

"Ow!" Nix fell, and started crying. "Haha!" Carter sneered. He turned to his gang of "Big Boys" and they started kicking Nix. "What an ugly name!" Some guy yelled. Then, someone punched the living daylights out of the boys. "Oy, Pat!" Carter said nastily. "Don't touch her!" Pat yelled. "Oh, so why? Either way, you're out numbered. 1 vs 10!" Pat laughed, a real laugh. "Oh, so you're Big Boys? Why can't you do Big Boy math? It's 2 vs 4 dummy!" Nix laughed at their failure. They became a duo, fighting with bare fists against bothersome bullies.

{4 Years Later}

Pat and Nix were so close, everyone thought they'd get married, but Nix was forced to move to the mountains. Afterschool, Nix was going to tell Pat, but little did she know, Pat also had news. "P-P-Pat. I have n-n-news" Nix stammered. She threw her hair back. What did she know? "Well, so do I!" Pat said cheerfully. "Phoenix, will you be my girlfriend?" "Pat, I'm moving to the mountains." The word "Moving" broke Pat's heart, and he ran off, not even bothering to say bye to Nix. And so she cried.


"Wow...." Jen said. Miki nodded in agreement. How sad! Alyssa shook her head. "I get asked out a lot by boys, most of them are unsustainable. The rest.... Well, I'm too young." Jen saw Alyssa turn pink. Suddenly, there was a rustling in the woods! Everyone shot up, prepared for a fight.

Wow, this chapter went more awesome then intended! I am really busy this week because of Benchmark Testing + MAJOR SUBJECT Tests + Schoolwide Spelling Bee Finals + Homework :'(

So not much updating, I will try and get more chapters out sooner!

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