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Sorry guys about that really short chapter, Wattpad was acting up on me and you know.... I had a Keyboard glitch on my phone where you couldn't press B or something.... Here is a new chapter!

Btw, I put what is coming soon! I'm making a sequel! Have you guys noticed the book names, and how they're all connected? Check out the video I posted together for it.

The village was in chaos, and everyone went into hiding. Yup, everyone. It was hectic, like really.

One girl peeked out of her home. No, not Miki or Jen.... She was one year younger than Pat, and she was his friend. No, not girlfriend. Just solid friend. "What is happening?" She asked a passerby. "Evil! Evil is attacking us!" He cried, and hurried off.

Wait, was that Pat? She hurried out in a cloak, and in a midst of fury, she stood ground. "I'm pretty sure you don't remember me...." She said, directly at "Patbrine" "But do you still remember your true friends and family?!?!" Patbrine smirked. "My real family and friends are with Herobrine!" He said. "You don't remember," she said, and took off her cloak, "Me, don't you?"

(Sorry for another short chapter!)

Dun dun dunnnnn!!!! The girl was @tesseroi's OC! (Crup, what was her name ;-;) Anyways guys, sorry for not updating!!!! I'm back, just had like a bunch of stuff going on in my IRL life....

Anyways, Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Miki ish luv, Miki ish lyfe

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