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Jen's POV

I still can't get over the fact that Pat is gone. Literally. His funeral is tonight. His parents were devastated when we broke the news to them. Can't blame them. I was sitting on a bench in the garden when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around. Captain Cookie Little? How was he still alive? I quickly changed into fighting position. "Ah!! Don't kill me!" He pleaded. I put down my fists.  "I'm sorry that Captain Cookie was evil. I actually didn't know until recently." He then looked around, to make sure we were alone and whispered in my ear. "Herobrine isn't dead! I saw a pair of shining white eyes at the bottom of the hole when I peered in there yesterday!" I looked at him shocked. Could Pat be alive? "I'll be at the funeral to pay my respects." He said. "Pat was a very good fighter, sad that Herobrine had to take control of him."

It was time for the funeral. It took place in a clearing in the forest between the two kingdoms. More than half of both of the two kingdoms combined came to the funeral. Pat's father stepped up to the pedestal, with Pat's mother behind him. His father reminded me of Pat, except without all those facial features. "Today we are here to remember the tragedy of my one and only son, Pat." I cuddled Cloud. The cat was one of my only possessions that Pat gave me. I stroked the soft fur of Cloud and cried a bit. My life felt empty without my Pat around.

"He was a great fighter and a great hero who saved us all from Herobrine's tyranny." Pat's father continued. I looked around. I saw Captain Cookie Little shedding a couple of tears. Alyssa, Nix and Miki were sad too. When we got to pay our respects, I placed a couple of flowers on the ground of the gravestone. I noticed Miki looking at me, and turned away crying. "You'll see him again soon." Miki said reassuringly. The four of us girls group hugged, and thus life went on. Pat died, but I know I will see him again in the future. I know it will happen.

The End.


Yes, there will be a sequel!!!! HYPE!!!! However, this one will be kinda like Sailor Moon, where Pat and Jen are in modern times, BUT rediscover their real past lives.

This might turn into a trilogy, but I don't know yet.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book, and cya in the sequel! STAY TUNED!

~ Miki is sad this book ended ~

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