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Pat ran running into his room. Oh my gosh she's so pretty! He thought. How was she so pretty, with a charming little kitty? He flopped onto his bed.

Then Pat counted on his fingers. "I'm one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine minus one! Only one two three four five six seven eight nine ten years until I'm king!" He squeaked. Only 10 years. Long ones.
Little Princess Jen was sitting in her room, trying to get Cloud, her pet kitty to get out of the ball. "Here kitty kitty kitty!" Jen said.

Juat then, the king's advisor came in. "Excuse me your little highness the king wants a word with you."

Jen ran down the long staircase, her little feet patting against the wood.I wonder what he wants~? "Jen!" She nearly crashed into a stranger. It was this young guy in a sailor suit and a villager in a green suit.

"Jen, this is Captain Cookie and his assistant, Captain Cookie Little."

Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to.... Make a cliffhanger! Anyways thanks (Already!) To @tesseroi for being the first voter! Comment below what you think might happen!


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