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Also ill be explaining about our first OC contest in a bit. Lol judging by Tesseroi, the only person who's been keeping tabs on this book, I'm going to make this last.... Mmm you'll see after this chapter.

Whoops, almost forgot Pat was kidnapped! Don't worry, I changed it to match last chapter!

The Rebellion of the Deep? Not Star Wars Rebels for sure. Dowwwwn, wayyy down, in the earth, a figure, long lost was brought back to life.

"I swear," he said, rapidly, "I will get my hands on those children of the Prophecy, and I will kill them." He glanced at his spy mirror. "Jen, Pat, meet your match...." He murmured. "Master." Captain Cookie arrived out of the shadows. "These children, I am working to make sure they are truly the children of the Prophecy., but now there's only one!" He pulled out an unconscious Pat behind his back.

"Oh really," the stranger, still staring at the Spy Mirror replied. "In what way, do you think you'll impress me?" "Pitting Jen against Pat." Captain Cookie said. "Very wise," the stranger tapped his desk, and a hidden stairway opened. "But do you know who and what we're attacking with?" He motioned for Captain Cookie to come with him into the stairway.

"This is our research place. This is where we investigate the other sides. This is where I," the stranger stood up tall, his evil, white eyes glowing in the dim light. "I, Herobrine, will rule over the whole land."
Jen's POV

I glanced at Pat. "Are you sure, this is where we'll train in case we fall into water? I can't swim in this perfectly fitted gown!" I yelled at him. He thinks he's gonna pull me underwater? I don't think so.

Pat jumped into the water, making me scream a bit. Then he grabbed my hand. "It's okay, Jen!" He said, and started edging me closer towards the edge of the water. I gulped. It was close enough, that he was going to make me go under. Then he pulled me in! "PAT!" I screamed, then floated because of my poofy dress. All of a sudden, it started to thunderstorm, and Captain Cookie appeared. Then the lighting storm stopped.

"My dear, Princess Jen," he stooped low, and kissed my hand. "And Sir Pat." He bowed to him. "Traitor!" Pat yelled at him. "You fought our whole army off with your horrid army! You knocked me unconscious too! Captain Cookie then transformed Pat into a cookie, and ate him! "PAAAAAT!" I screamed, loudly.

I woke up with a start. It was all a dream, Pat was ok. Or so I thought. I ran to where PAt was staying, missing. I slapped my forehead, nearly forgetting that Pat was taken by the bad guys! I cried into his bedsheet, and stayed there for a long time, watching the clock tick by.



Do you wanna train together?

Come on, today's the day!

I never see you anymore,

Barge out that door,

It's like people took you away,

We used to be best friends,

And now your gone,

Why wouldn't you come back now?

Do you wanna train together?

You probably want to fight forever....

Okay, fine.


It lasts until November 6th, bc of possibly letting more people have a chance! So here's the questions:

What is the name of the original song Jen sang above? Easy
Who is the stranger, whose eyes were white? (If you paid attention, his name was mentioned in this chapter) Easy
Name one of the guys (not Pat or Jen) from The Crafting Dead. Easy
What is my name? Easy
What fandom am I most apart of? Easy
What is the common last name Fanfictions use for Pat? Medium
Does Pat or Jen cuss? Easy
If your selected, you are either Jen or Pat's best friend! Here's the details you can do for OCs.
First Name:
Jen or Pat as bestie?:
Hair color, Facial features:
Appearance in clothing:
Age (Jen- 12 ; Pat- 13):
How you and Jen/Pat met:

Yeah, if you get chosen! Remember, the deadline to give others a chance just in case is:

November 6th!

Don't forget to tell your Wattpading, PopularMMOS fan friends about this contest! Bye!


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