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So er ive been rlly busy lately and have been lazy so SORRY! Im back tho so yay

Our story comes back to the part where Nix and the others find a puddle of what seemed to look like blood.

Nix told everyone to go around it. "There could be a trap right below the puddle." She stated. Then they ecountered the other group. "Wait, what? There's a dead end?" Jen piped up. Miki leaned against a wall and it opened. "Well..." Miki shruged, and went in. Everyone followed.

Wait, but where was Herobrine? Uhm...

Herobrine was hiding in the shadows as usual. He really liked being there. Plus, Patbrine was there too (I need to include Alexbrine lol) waiting. The group strode into a large but looming room. The bad guy came into view. "We're not afraid to fight you, Herobrine!" Nix threatened. He turned around. It was Captain Cookie?!?!

Sorry for short chapter, just needed to update something so you guys know I'm still around lol cyaaaaa

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