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Please be warned, there may be some bad stuff, but it'll be covered with BLEEP ok?

Pat's POV

What the.... I sprawled to the ground. Then I raised my sword and slashed at the air. My nose was smelling dirty air. Oh great. Captain Cookie stood over me, grinning evilly. "Haha, you little BLEEP! Now I will take your little body and offer it to the Rebellion! No BLEEP BLEEP will stop me. Ever." He smirked and held his sword nearby my neck, and pointed another at the soldiers and my father. "Father! Jen!" I cried, and everything went black.

Jen's POV

"Haha, you little BLEEP! Now I will take your little body and offer it to the Rebellion! No BLEEP BLEEP will stop me. Ever." I heard Captain Cookie smirk. Pat. That was the only thing that I could think of. I ran over to Captain Cookie. "Pat!" I yelled. Too late. Pat's eyes closed, being unsure whether he was dead or not. "Father! Jen!" He cried, before it happened. Captain Cookie transformed into some devil of a beast and then whisked Pat away! Pat! I sobbed into my hands. Why was this happening? Just why?

Yeah, my phone battery is low. Anyways guys! Sorry about a sorta cliffhanger, just wanted to spruce things up a bit. Also summary has been changed! Bye!


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