Splitting Ways

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They busted the doors down. "Wait wh-" Alyssa was interrupted by Jen falling into a hole. 'JEN!" they screamed, but Jen looked happy. "Guys, I found a secret passageway!" The others decided to split into two groups to investigate. One group with Jen and the rest straight ahead.


"I don't know where we're going, but stick together!" Jen urged. Some of Chad and Alyssa's clan, Nix and Miki were there. The rest were with the other two. Nix noticed Jen looked a bit pale.

"You okay, Jen? Don't worry I'll take it from here. Miki, make sure nothing happens to Princess Jen." Nix winked at Miki. Jen scowled. Miki smiled shyly back. Suddenly their torch went out! Nix sensed Jen would scream, so she covered her mouth in case. Jen let out a scream, but Nix's grip was so strong, it was barely heard.

They waited in silence, just in case. "AAAAH!" one of Chad's fellow members suddenly screamed. Everyone turned to the direction of the sound. He was gone! Jen broke down and started nearly wailing. "It's okay, Jen. He'll be fine." Nix smiled, but the smile turned into a frown. "Something doesn't feel ri-" Jen interrupted Nix with another scream. "Shut up!" Nix hissed. Then, Miki let out a squeak; she had stepped on a bright, red, gooey and fresh puddle of.... Blood.

Nix cautiously approached the puddle of blood. "This could be a trap." She stated sternly. "Everyone, we must walk faster. We must prepare ourselves for any surprise ambush targeted at us by Herobrine." There was a bit of a quiver in Nix's voice, even the bravest of leaders can get scared sometimes. Herobrine was to be feared, and impossible to beat.

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