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Jen gripped a Wooden Sword with her flimsy hands. "Ouch!" She squeaked and let go. In a week, she and her new teammate, Pat were going to the middle of nowhere and defeating the Kraken.

All because of Captain Cookie she met that guy who owned the kitty Cloud! Pat said she could keep Cloud.

Meanwhile, Pat was expertly handling a now broken Wooden Sword, while swinging at a haybale dummy. "Hiyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He shouted, while his little legs spun in a 360.

Captain Cookie Little took away the broken dummy. "That was great Pat!" Said Captain Cookie Little. "No, that's enough," Captain Cookie scowled, as he coughed in the saw dust. "Your armour training starts tomorrow."


"Good luck, and stay safe." Said Jen's father. Pat already got his wishes, so he was meeting Jen at her kingdom.

"Are you ready?" He reluctantly asked.

"Yup!!" Jen squeaked back.

Captain Cookie patted his little students on the back. "Good luck, and if you don't come back, I take all the credit!" Pat rolled his eyes at Jen, and she giggled.

Captain Cookie Little was there too! "Good luck with the dragon thingy, and don't let Captain Cookie charm the ladies!" He whispered to the two kids.

(An hour later!) *#TIMESKIPPY* if u LIKE Time Skips!

Pat pushed away yet another branch. He was restless, and Jen was.... Tired. They were traveling for who knows when in the forest, until they saw the sea.

For about four months already, a mysterious creature haunted the fishing seas of Kraken. The people fought, but failed. It was named the Kraken for the town it almost destroyed.

"Jen!" Pat shouted, making her wake up. "We're here!"

"Wha.... Pat! We might die!" Jen screamed, as she clung onto him.

"It's ok Je-" Pat froze. The Kraken was rising from the sea! To distract it, he had Jen expertly shoot an arrow at it.



Jen went all out, shooting arrows at all angles.

Meanwhile, Pat decided to use the powerful fishing rod he had. He loaded the hook that would finish the battle onto the rod. Then he reeled back, and closed his eyes as he shot.

A loud thump was heard where The Kraken once was. They did it! Pat and Jen ran into town, and were celebrated by the inhabitants for their bravery.

Then all of a sudden, Captain Cookie came out of nowhere.

"Now now, these two were just my assistants. That boy over there," he pointed straight at Pat and glared. "That boy only hit the Kraken. They're my students in training. He missed before, I did the finale."

Then everyone went over to Captain Cookie to celebrate.

Pat glared back at Captain Cookie and said to Jen, "That stupid guy! You and I know perfectly well I finished the monster off! I swear one day we'll take credit!"

Then, all three of them rode back to their Kingdoms in silence. The three of them knew that Pat and Jen had finished their first task.

Ayyyyyyyyyyy Itsa me! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and OMG thank you for already 40 views! I never knew this would already gain some readers! Anyways, cya later!

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