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*Makana's POV*

"Tonight is when we attack!" I announce to the clan.

Banza clapped his paws. "Yay!"

"Ed, you know what to do correct?"

Ed nod his head.

I look at Shenzi. "Shenzi, what about you?"

Shenzi look down. "Yes, mother..."

I smile. "Good. Once we get rid of the King and Queen, the Pride Lands will be ours!"

I turn around and walk inside the empty giant elephant skull. Tonight is the night we ambush King Ahadi's Pride. Shenzi and Ed will distract the lionesses while I take care of Ahadi. Banza will get rid of Uru in a more private area. This plan will work. The clan and I have trained ourselves for years.

We're ready.

Amadu I will not fail you, my love.
*Jengo's POV*

"I've come back with the evening report, sire!"

I had just awaken from a nice long nap. I yawn and stand up with a stretch shaking out my coffee color mane. A male bat-eared fox walks further inside the den. His name is "Samu". Samu is my majordomo.

"Which is?" I ask.

"I've found lion paw prints by the river. They don't smell like their from here." He said.

"I'll send Taavi out tonight to spy on the river."

Samu nodded.

"How's Nahia?"

"She's doing great! The pups are due any day now."

I smile. "Cool, can't wait to meet them. Your going to be a great dad, Samu!"

Samu sat down with a chuckle. "Heh, thank you!"

Zaina enter the den. In her mouth she's carrying meat from a hippo. Hm, guess the lionesses wanted some thing different today.

She sat it down in front of my paws then bow her head.

I nod. "Thank you."

"Can I speak with you for a minute?" She ask.


Samu took this as his cue to leave. He had to go home anyways. Nahia may need him.

I watch him leave. "Good night, Samu!"

"Good night, sire!"

Zaina sat in Samu's spot. Her tail move side to side. She looks nervous.

"What is it, Zaina?" I ask.

She stared down at her colorless paws. "You know mating season is around the corner for lions, right?"

"Yeah. What about it? You have a mate?? Who is he???"

I start eating the piece of meat Zaina had brought me.

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