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*Athena's POV*


For dinner I caught a lizard and two small mice for Chidi and I. I carry them in my mouth to our private cave. The cave is located behind a giant waterfall. It's an excellent water source for us. Prey here is short though, but we are able to save for a day or two.

"Chidi, I'm back with our dinner!" I yell, standing outside of the cave.

Chidi walked out. He look down at what I hunt and nod his head. "Good. It'll be enough for tonight. Morning I'll try to search for something much bigger."

Chidi decide to eat the lizard. I was left with the two mice. After dinner, I took a nice clean bath in the river. Chidi sat down and watched. He kept giving me stares. They weren't stares that made me feel uncomfortable. They are stares that show full admiration.

I step out of the water shaking my wet fur clean. My eyes met with Chidi's.

I laugh, "What?"

He shook his head smiling. "Nothing, it's just that your so beautiful."

I bet my cheeks are hot red right now.

"Oh, Chidi."

"What? It's true!"

I walk up to him close rubbing my face against his charcoal colored mane. I gave his cheek a lick then ran off through the jungle laughing.

I hear running paws behind me. It's Chidi trying to catch up.

"To slow for you huh?" I ask.

Chidi smirked, "We'll see about that, Princess!"

I laugh again. I sprint faster, leaving Chidi even far behind. Not paying attention on what's on the ground, my right back leg paw got tangled in a green vine. I fall on my face.



Chidi runs up. I turn my body over on my side seeing my paw stuck in a vine.

"Chidi, my right foot got wrap in a vine!" I say.

"I'll try to set you free." He said.

Chidi use his sharp teeth to tear the green vine off my foot. In about three or four minutes, my foot is now released.

I stand up happily hugging Chidi. "Oh thank you!"

He laughed, "Anytime!"

I rub my nose against his own. Chidi purred. He gave me a soft nuzzle then kiss my nose. I giggle because it tickled.

Chidi looked up at the night sky. The stars are glowing bright tonight. There's also a lovely full moon. Such a romantic scene! A shooting star zoom pass.

"Athena, quick! Make a wish!!" Chidi shout.

I close my eyes. "I wish to be with Chidi forever until death due us apart..."

I open back my eyes looking up at the sky.

Chidi smiled. "What you wish for?"

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