Run Away

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*Chidi's POV*


I quietly sneak my way through the tall grasses in the Pride Lands. I'm still a rouge causing a major threat to the animals here. I've come to meet up with Athena as usual not to harm anyone here.

"Athena?" I whisper.

A tail wave in the air. "Over here!"

It's Athena's voice. I follow it to a large tree. There she sits underneath it smiling.

"Hey!" I smile back.

She walked up nuzzling me then lick my left cheek. I bet you readers are like whoa, whoa, whoa time out! Ha ha it's alright. Me and Athena aren't mates just yet. I guess you can think of us as girl friend and boyfriend kinda. We flirt with each other a lot but haven't made it quite official.

"I have some things to tell you." She said.

It must be serious cause her face isn't in no laughing matter.

"What?" I ask.

"I want to run away with you, Chidi."

"Run away?"


Athena rubs her nose against my own.


"Because I've fallen in love. I want to be with you, Chidi. Each day we see each other I realize our feelings are becoming more than just friends." She smiled.

I look down. "Yeah, but what about your pride and family? They'll miss you, Athena!"

"I'm not talking about running away forever, silly. Just only for a month or two."

"I don't know Athena. You know how your dad is. He might send out a scout to find us. If your dad finds me with you I'm dead!"

Athena chuckled, "Chidi, relax. No one will find us. We're going far away from the Pride Lands!"

"How far?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Does it matter? We'll be together. As long as we have each other's back we should be fine and safe!"

I gave Athena an unsure worry expression. What if some thing happens? What if one of us doesn't make it back alive?? All of these questions pop in my head. It made me dizzy! I fall on my back.

Athena gasp, "Chidi!"

She rush to my aid. I sit half way up.

"I'm fine."

"If you don't want to run away, then that's okay. I'll continue to stay here."

I shook my head and nuzzle her smiling. "No, I'll go."


"I'll go Athena. If it makes you happy then alright!"

Athena licked my cheek again purring. I purr too while rubbing my forehead against hers.

"We'll leave out sun rise." She suggested.

I nod. "Let's get some sleep. We'll need plenty!"

I laid down with my head over my large two front paws. Athena curled up beside me close.

Tomorrow our secret journey begins...

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