Angry Birds...

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Pairing: SiHen

Summary: Henry's small crush on his kind hyung torments him...


"And now, representing the graduating class, Choi Siwon!" The announcer said causing quite the cheer from the crowd of people below. Henry was one of the only ones who didn't cheer—how could he? He didn't want Siwon to graduate. Not yet anyway. Henry wasn't ready for Siwon to graduate—it wasn't time yet!

It all started at the beginning of Henry's freshman year. Siwon had been his residential advisor and the love of everyone on campus. He was the epitome of perfection: rich family, religious, sweet, kind, a perfect gentleman with perfect grades. Not to mention the fact that he was freaking hot as all get out.

Not that Henry noticed that last part... at least not right away. At first he was just a kind upper classman who helped him out some. But then there were all those caring, gentle touches; the hand holding and the hugs from behind. They were sending the already confused Henry a ton of mixed signals. Everything got even worse when Siwon began to demand cheek kisses from Henry, returning them to his squishy mochi cheeks afterward.

What was even better than those were when Henry's normal fantasies at night began to change and twist. It wasn't the first time Henry had dreamt he was with another man... but for that man to be someone rather SPECIFIC—the tall, dark and handsome Siwon—was totally new. Henry couldn't look at him the same after that.

However Siwon wouldn't let that last very long; after a week of being ignored Siwon jumped up behind Henry while he was playing Angry Birds on his cell phone.

"Henry-sshi! There you are." His chin came to rest on Henry's shoulder, fitting there just perfectly—so much so that Henry found himself leaning back into Siwon before flinching and sitting up.

"What do you mean? I've been around." And he went back to playing, trying to will away the redness of his ears.

"But not around me." Siwon said with a pout, leaning forward to give Henry's cheek a kiss. "I've missed having you around—my favorite dongsaeng."

It was too much. The blush came up onto his cheeks and Siwon just laughed, rich and lovely. He gave those cheeks a pinch before coming around to sit with him. Henry rubbed his cheek and glanced away, mumbling an apology.

"You're forgiven, as long as you don't do it again." Siwon scolded gently before catching a glimpse of Henry's phone. "What are you playing?"

"Angry Birds. It's fun—w-... want to try?" He offered over his phone then, still trying to will away the blush and all the other thoughts Siwon's back hug and cheek kiss had aroused in him.

The saying, 'and the rest was history' accurately depicts their relationship with Angry Birds from then on. The pair would stay up late at night playing the game together, strategizing. When Angry Birds Rio came out, Henry gifted it to Siwon's iPod account. Siwon replied by buying him a huge red stuffed Angry Bird.

"Hyung! Are you sure?" Henry asked when the red pillow like toy was handed to him.

"Of course I'm sure. You can think of me when you sleep with it at night." Siwon pulled it back and posed with the bird, causing Henry to burst into laughter. Thankfully that look pulled Henry's mind out of the gutter where it had been headed.

"Thanks hyung..." Henry said, biting at his lips before reaching out to initiate the hug with Siwon. This time around Siwon was the one who was blushing; lingering in the hug longer than a friend would before pulling away.

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