
20 1 0


Pairing: Mimin


The crystal blue sky was turning to midnight black by now as the birds above fly their way home and stars are slowly raising from their origin – slowly covering the dark sky above and letting it shine through out the neighborhood. And as the sky overcomes a change, woods are burned and firefly-like possessions are crafted from bits of crackled fire and it danced with the winds and it was sheer beauty.

"Wo ai ni." A husky voice muttered sweet melodic words and the smaller that was leaning his head onto his broad shoulder couldn't help but look up and smile to the noise's prompter. A kiss was immediately pressed onto his quivering lips and he couldn't deny that he enjoyed such innocence and love that was pressed to him. "You make me love you even more now."

"Aren't you such a cheesy boyfriend, Zhou Mi?" The giggles that exited Sungmin's mouth sounded loud and sweet in contrast to the whispering wind and the wave splashing sound of the beach. Sungmin looked at his lover, his friend, and found his self drowning onto those orbs that quay thousands of words yet only three words were visible enough for Sungmin to understand and read. "I love you too."

It was now Zhou Mi's turn to smile and he took Sungmin's hand in his and the difference between them was so obvious yet none of them cared because it was their difference that draw them together – joining them here in this campfire and they witnessed as the stars above them fall from their oblivion and rest into the horizon. It was lovely, yes, but then nothing could be compared to the beauty that both people made and the moon was there to notice it.

Both heads were craned up as they silently murmured their heart's desire and somehow Zhou Mi could swear he felt hot plush lips connect to his once again – for how many times that night – he really couldn't tell. He kissed back eagerly and he had bought his free hand to cup the other's chin and soft mewls and moans were heard from the both of them making harmony and melodies to their own ears and somehow – they both knew they ended the night all too well.

"Do you know ghosts are visible in the campfire?"

"No but I do know one thing."

"What is it then?"

Sungmin smile and gave Zhou Mi another chaste kiss and he smiled at the other's serene expression and he couldn't deny that they crafted pure beauty under the moonlit night. They were the epitome of love in their own world and no one could break that – no, not even the heavens.

Sungmin's smile then grew as Zhou Mi wrapped his arms around his shaking form as the breeze whipped heavier and poked their skins – pricked their pores but it didn't matter – nothing did – because they were together.

"You are my ever after."

And yes, Zhou Mi know that too because somehow they know forever doesn't last but then every song and harmony has their own end too but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and that was what they were doing – enjoying their time, their life and their togetherness and they were doing it around the campfire and they couldn't help but not care about anything else. They'll have tomorrow to deal with that.


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