Caramel Coffee - Sticky Notes Prince

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The morning sun greets them in one futon, tangled in each other body, just like they fell asleep. The light shone on Ryeowook's face, making him woke up and slowly opens his eyes. His head was pounding horribly and he felt like throwing up. He promised himself he will never drink so much again, because handover was a horrible thing. He moved his head and blinked as he saw someone's chest almost pressing to his face. He blinked again and tried to move, but he realized he was trapped in someone's embrace. He blinked third time and looked up. His brain processed that the person who was embracing his was no other than Changmin. Changmin's face was calm, showing how deeply he was asleep. The corners of his lips were up as he moved unconsciously and pulled Ryeowook towards him even more.

"Ch-Changmin." Ryeowook whispered confused. He felt cold on his legs and looked up at them. He froze when he saw that his and Changmin's bodies were almost , the blanket tossed somewhere else. "Changmin!" Ryeowook screamed horrified and pushed the taller man far away from him, making Changmin roll from the futon into cold floor. Changmin screamed soon after and moved to the futon, then covered his cold body.

"What happen?" Changmin looked around then at Ryeowook, trying to figure out what was going on. His head was pounding and he felt horrible sick. He glanced at Ryeowook's body and Ryeowook immediately pulled the blanket towards himself, uncovering Changmin.

"Don't look!" Ryeowook shrieked and then yelled at Changmin when he saw the other almost body. "Cover yourself, !"

"Then don't steal blanket." Changmin huffed and pulled the blanket towards himself, making Ryeowook half uncovered, but the shorter male pulled it towards himself.

"Give it back! Find your own blanket!" Ryeowook complained.

"If there was a second one. It's only one futon so one blanket  too, moron!" Changmin pulled the blanket harsher, making Ryeowook get pulled too and almost fell on Changmin. He kneeled before covered Changmin, one hand dangerously close to Changmin's crotch. Changmin slowly glanced towards where Ryeowook's one hand landed, then at Ryeowook's own crotch and chest.

"Don't look !" Ryeowook pulled his hands to his body and tried to cover as much as he could with his hands. "W-why you look at me like that?" Ryeowook stuttered when he saw, how Changmin's eyes shone with dangerous darkness. He felt intimidated by that stare.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Changmin's voice suddenly dropped lower. He moved slowly towards Ryeowook who was trying to move away.

"I-I..." Ryeowook's cheeks burnt and he tried to look elsewhere than at Changmin. He didn't know why, but his body felt hot as Changmin looked at him like that and moved slowly towards him.

Suddenly Ryeowook gasped and closed his eyes, when Changmin slipped from the blanket towards him even closer. Ryeowook stopped breathing as he felt Changmin's body heat only a few inches from him. Changmin smirked and ruffled Ryeowook's hair as he saw how the other tensed. He chuckled and stood up. He grabbed his yukata and started to get dressed, when Ryeowook opened his eyes and breathed relieved.

"I'm going to ask Heechul where will be second quest and get some painkillers because my head hurt like hell. You want me to buy for you too?" Changmin asked as he finally dressed himself.

"Yeah, please." Ryeowook said from under the blanket. He didn't want to dress himself when Changmin was still in the same room. Somehow thinking of Changmin seeing his body, like previously, make him blush and to his heart beat faster.  Changmin hummed and exit their room.


When Changmin come back, Ryeowook had been already after a shower and dressed in his training clothes.

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