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Lauren was a sweet girl before she dated a guy named Brad Simpson, she was really friendly and have a happy personality until she knew about her mom's death. Her dad said that her mom had a heart attack and her dad didn't let her go to the hospital before she died. After that happened she went to her boyfriend's house because she needed comfort but when she arrived she saw Brad drunk and was making love to another girl. Brad and Lauren got into a heated fight and it ended up Lauren in the hospital with bruises. Few years later she met another guy named Luis Santos they dated for a good 6 months until he said that it was all a game and started beating her up too with his friends and once again she ended up in the hospital.

Ever since she got out of the hospital she promised herself to not love anyone except for her best friends and her father, she trust them so much and it would hurt her if one of them lied. Her best friends are Normani, Dinah, Camila and Ally and her father Mike Jauregui. Also ever since she got out of the hospital she grew strong and now she's known the bad ass. She wears a lot black and she really doesn't like talking to others except for her friends and her father. But what if one day you came to her life?  What if you fell for Lauren?

"You're scared of being in love."

"How do you know?"

"You keep trying to stay away from me."

A/N: Another Lauren/You Story! I love writing Lauren/You stories so i'm sorry if i made a lot of Lauren/You stories. I'm just really comfortable with it. My third Lauren/You story.

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