Chapter 36

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Your POV

I woke up and felt someone's warm naked body around me i opened my eyes and saw Lauren my eyes widen and my jaw dropped, wait- why are we naked? i blushed as i saw her body but i quickly look up. Oh! that's right, she made love to me last night and i'm not a virgin anymore! i blushed again when memories of last night came to my mine i smiled and snuggled closer to Lauren sighing deeply. I can't believe i gave myself to Lauren last night, i don't regret it though well because i love her and i will definitely give myself to her soon if it wasn't yesterday. I saw her open her eyes and look around with squinted eyes and then she look down at me and smiled "Hey you're awake" she husked "Y-yeah" my eyes widen and cover my mouth she laughed "What happened to my v-voice?" i asked she smiled "Well it looked like you lost your voice babe" she said giggling i blush "Is it because of yesterday?" i asked she blushed too and nodded. "Well i didn't know you were a screamer baby" she said giggling i chuckled and slap her arm playfully "Stop" i whine she peck my lips "You're so cute when you have no voice" i pouted making her scrunch her face "Ugh stop it!" she said and kissed me again.

Lauren hovered me and straddle my hips i giggle and captured her lips again i cup her cheeks making our kiss passionate, her hands started caressing my stomach and hips and the feeling of her body close to mine feels so fucking good. Suddenly the door opened Lauren pulled away and covered my body with hers i blushed when i saw my mom looking at us with wide eyes "Oh uh....Y/N i'm so sorry" i hid my face to Lauren's neck making her giggle. "It's okay mom, can you uh leave? please?" i ask she then laughed "What happened to your voice?" i rolled my eyes "She um...lost it last night" Lauren said giggling i pulled Lauren close to me. "Okay, well i came up here just to tell you that-" "HEY GUYS- uh....what the hell?" we heard Camila say "Shit" i mumble now she's not gonna stop asking me what happened last night. "Mom please the door" i whine "Alright, Camila you should wait for the two lovebirds to dress up okay? they probably still smell like sex" Camila cracked up laughing "MOOM" i whine they laughed and finally closed the door.

Lauren sighed and stood up and she stare at my body i look at her weirdly and cover my body making her chuckle "Baby, i've seen your body last night no need to be shy" she said pecking my lips "Plus, you can see my body now" i blush and nodded "Wanna shower with me?" she ask i nodded and we got our towels and walk inside the bathroom. When we finish we dried our hair and change into our new clothes and as i was about to go out Lauren pulled me back and kissed me making me laugh and kiss her back "Sorry i just had to" she whispered i smile at her sweetly "you're so cute" i said and peck her lips. "But Camila is impatient" she chuckled and nodded "She is indeed" i smile and intertwined our fingers "Let's go" we then went downstairs seeing all the girls smirking at us, "so what happened last night Y/N?" Dinah asked "Did someone lost their virginity?" Camila asked i roll my eyes and chuckle. Lauren let me sit on her lap and kiss my cheek "Guys, don't let her speak to much because she lost her voice" Lauren said kissing my cheek repeatedly i blush and hide my face to Lauren's neck.

"Mhm...because of having sex?" i glare at Camila and she laughed same with the others "Camila" i whine but my voice cracked making them smirk again i roll my eyes "i'm gonna drink water" i husked Lauren looked at me and i just smiled at her and went to the kitchen. I saw my mom ready for work "So how was last night? Was Lauren good?" i rolled my eyes "Mom" i whine she laughed "Alright i'm sorry but please wash your sheets" i groaned "Yes i will" i said she smiled and kissed my forehead "Well i'm off to work and your father and i will have to be there for two nights so we'll see you next next morning or afternoon since you have school so behave and i left enough money in the counter" i nodded "i love you" i said smiling she nodded "Love you too honey" and then i saw Lauren entered the kitchen. "Lauren i'm gonna leave you with my daughter for two nights is that alright with you? will you babysit her for me?" i groan making Lauren laugh "Well of course i always take care of her" she said wrapping her arms around my waist. "Good, i trust you Lauren" she said kissing her head she smiled "Goodbye Y/M/N" my mom waved at us and we heard the girls said goodbye and then my mom drove away.

I walk to the fridge and my water  bottle and drank it Lauren stared at me with a smile i swallowed the water "Yes?" i said my voice is a little better now that's good she smiled "your voice is back" i shrug "sorta" she giggle and kiss my nose. "Wow Lauren one night of making love and you can't keep your hands to yourself?" Dinah teased Lauren glared at her "You know i can't" i giggle and put my water bottle back inside the fridge. "I know, it started when you finally broke your walls for her" she said shrugging "Alright Dinah Jane you may go back to the girls now" Lauren said "Why so you could fuck Y/N in the kitchen counter?" i raised an eyebrow at Camila. "Camz! Please, i just want privacy with my girlfriend" they both giggled and walk out, "Why do you need privacy babe?" i ask wrapping my arms around her neck "nothing i just want time with you" she said softly kissing my cheeks. "Well we aren't going to school right?" i said she nodded "Definitely not, i'm not ready to see my dad just yet" she said i nodded "Well why are the girls here though?" she shrug "I actually don't know" she said and then we walk back to the others.

"Why aren't you guys in class? It's like 9:30 am you guys should be in 2nd period by now" Lauren said "We know we just thought you were gonna come but looks like your not" Ally said we nodded "We're not going to school since we're tired from yesterday since it was Y/N's birthday-" "Birthday?!" i nodded shyly "What the fuck dude? we were in school together and you didn't tell us it was your birthday?" Camila said pouting i giggle "I'm sorry i just wanted to keep it a secret" i said "Yeah she didn't tell me either i just asked for the date and then i remembered" Lauren said i shrug and she pulled me to her arms. "Okay well see you both later?" we nodded and they all exited the house and drove to school, "Ugh finally alone time with my girlfriend" Lauren said laying down on top of me i laughed and tried getting her off me but she won't budge. "Lauren you're heavy" i playfully groan she just laughed and i tried pushing her again "oh come on babe, you're stronger than that" she teased i glare at her and then used all of my force to push her "You- ow! shit!" she groaned when she landed on the carpet floor.

I giggle and was about to run but she grabbed my waist and pull me back to the couch "You aren't going anywhere" she said with her evil smirk "No no no...- NO LAUREN STOP!!" i screamed as she tickled my sides. I laughed and laughed making my eyes go watery "I'm out of breath Lauren!" she then stopped she smirked at me and i smirk too i got a pillow and smack her on the face making her gasp dramatically i laughed and did it again and finally got up and ran to my secret hiding place. Well which was my closet, i heard Lauren groaning "Y/N!" she called i smiled and covered my mouth "Ugh where did that little shit go?" i heard her mumble when she got upstairs. I then heard my door open, SHIT SHIT SHIT!! JUST BE QUIET! "Y/N?" she called i didn't answer i saw her sigh "Y/N!! Where are you?" she pouted i smile at how cute she is. She then check under the bed then got up again she sighed and i heard my door close, i smiled and slowly got out of my closet and when i closed it i felt arms around my body making me scream in surprise.

She threw me on the bed and smirked "I knew you were in there" she said laughing "Noo...but i heard the door close" i said pouting she chuckled "I closed it with my foot and went on the side of your closet. I pouted even more making her smile she lean down and kissed my lips "Fine, i won't tickle you because you're adorable" she said i smile and wrap my arms around her neck.  "I love you" i said with a small voice she chuckled "Y/N stop being cute, cause if you don't stop i'll kiss your face repeatedly" i giggle and peck her lips. She smiled and kissed my jaw to my neck and i immediately had goosebumps when she suck on my neck "i remembered something" i said she didn't stop she just kept going "what?" she mumble against my skin "I have to wash my bed sheets" i said chuckling i felt her smile "Maybe we can use it for a while and then wash it" she said looking at me. Her eyes are dark it was full of lust and love "Lauren.." she just smile "Please?" she beg i laugh and switched our positions now i'm on top of her.

"Lock the door" she said breathlessly "but we're alone" i said pulling away "The girls might barge in" i laughed and nodded "okay" i then lock the door and opened the TV well just in case we're too loud? I kissed Lauren and she smiled and put her hands on my butt squeezing i slightly. I moaned and i began grinding into her and you know what happens next.

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