Chapter 39

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Lauren's POV

After like an hour i was still in my balcony drinking my hot chocolate as i go to Twitter and Instagram, but then i felt soft arms and hands snaking to my neck giving me a hug "Hi" she said with her sleepy voice. I then noticed it was already 8:30 pm i look at her and then the jealousy i felt before came back "are you cheating on me?" i ask she look at me confused "No, Lauren why will you think i was cheating on you?" she asked i then sigh "I saw your text with Colton Cabello" i said frowning she sighs "He said he loves you" she then sat on my lap. "Did you finish reading it?" i shake my head "No because i was too  mad and j-" "jealous" she said smiling i nodded "Aw, you're cute when you're jealous" i glare at her making her laugh and hug me. "Baby, i'm not cheating on you. This is my first relationship remember? I don't want it to end and my relationship with you is the best" i nodded "And look.." she showed me her phone and the conversation again.

Colt: Love you!

Y/N: I want to say i love you too but i don't think Lauren would like that. So hate you too bro! 

Colt: Aw how are you two?

Y/N: We're going strong! We got in trouble because of her today XD

Colt: Hahaha! Really? What she do?

Y/N: Nah, it was us both actually we were both giggly in class. Hahaha! I love my baby so much! She's a cutie sometimes!

Colt: Sometimes?

Y/N: yeah cause sometimes she's so fucking sexy and hot! Like literally if you go near her you'll melt like crazy!

Colt: Alright alright....enjoy your time with her i gotta gooo byeee

Y/N: Byeee!!

I then blush and look at her she was smirking "Yeah next time babe, finish what your reading" she said kissing my forehead before standing up i got her hand and she faced me "I'm sorry" she smiled and nodded "It's alright" "Wait- where are you going?" i ask i don't know but i sounded like like i was scared that she'll never come back. "I'm gonna get one of your hoodies, it's cold and then i'll cuddle with you" i nodded and let go of her hand and then i watch her go to my closet and got her favorite hoodie and wore it she then walk to me and sat on my lap. "Oooh!! Can i have some?" she ask for my hot chocolate i giggle "of course babe no need to ask" i said she smiled and then i watch her drink my hot chocolate cutely. She scrunch her face making me laugh "Hot" she whispered i nodded "That's why it's called HOT chocolate babe" i said she pouted "I think i burnt my lip and tongue" she said touching her lip. I then peck her lips gently she smiled and continued to kiss me so basically we're having a full make out session under the stars and moon.

She then pull away slowly she then open her eyes and i can see them shining like she's really happy and excited "I love you" she said "i love you too baby" i said kissing her nose she giggle and then drank my hot chocolate again but this time she blew it and took a little sip. I wrap my arms around her body to keep her warm and she laid her head on my chest as we look at the sky, we then started talking about different things like our interests and everything. We talked for almost three hours so it's now 11:45 and she fell asleep on my chest while holding the empty mug yup she finished my drink, eh it's alright. I then carried her bridal style to my bed i put her under the covers and put the mug back downstairs i then saw my mom in the kitchen washing the dishes "Oh Lauren!" she jumped i giggle "Sorry mom, just wanna put the mug in the sink" i said smiling she smiled and got the mug from my hands. I was about to leave but my mom started a conversation "you know you and her are perfect" i smile and lean against the table "Really?" i ask she nodded "Yes, your father told me about your past and i'm sorry you had to experience that honey" i nodded "i'm alright now mom, my life is now amazing thanks to my lovely girlfriend" i said blushing.

She smiled and hug me "Oh my daughter is growing up" i then rub her back as i heard her voice crack "You're so beautiful" i smile and hug her back with a sigh "i hope you don't go back to those guys. I want you with Y/N forever okay darling?" i nodded "Of course mom" i said she sigh and let go of me, "Make me proud" she said and kissed my forehead "Now go, go cuddle with her protect her in your arms make sure you take care of her. I know she's special so take care of her honey" she then push me upstairs i giggle "Goodnight Mama" i said smiling she blew me a kiss "Good night baby" i smiled and walk to my room. When i open my door i saw her all curled up in a ball i closed my lights and walk to her to the bed "are you cold baby?" i ask her quietly she nodded i smile "I'm here don't worry" i said and she cuddled to me i felt her cold hands on my waist making me jump but relaxed when i warm her hands up. I kissed her forehead "I love you my princess" i whisper i guess she's asleep because she didn't answer back and her breathing was steady and calm. So i decided to sleep too. 

Your POV

It's been 3 months now and the girls and i all got close with Brad he's actually really funny and really fun to be with but something was wrong Lauren is being distant with me. I don't know, she said she was busy she said she was focusing on her studying so i gave her space we didn't get to talk anymore well even if i try she just gives me short replies and tells me she has to go. I don't know what's wrong with her but i feel lonely, she acts differently with me but when we're with the others she's perfectly fine. Also her and Brad got closer i know they're friends but some parts of me are jealous and are thinking negative things like Lauren is ignoring me for Brad or something but i push them all away. The girls noticed it too well because i know sit alone not alone alone i still sit with the girls but you know not beside Lauren anymore well because Brad joined the group so did Colton. So now Lauren sits with Brad since they got really close but i still manage to think they're still friends.....sometimes. Colt sits with me when Lauren is not around and i'm really thankful for that, anyway i just felt so left out and lonely.

I saw Lauren in the hallway so i approached her "Lauren" i called she look at me "Oh hey" she then look back to her notes i frown "Whatchadoin?" she raised an eyebrow at me "Studying? Anyway i'm sorry i didn't get to text you yesterday i was busy" she said i nodded well that's her excuse EVERY TIME. She then peck my lips her kisses are now plain like she just pecks my lips now like it has no meaning because she just pecks my lips and walk away "I'm gonna have a study thing with Brad okay? i'll come over....later?" i nodded and she pecks my lips again and leaves. I sigh "Is it just me thinking that Lauren is ditching you for Brad?" i heard Camila say behind me i look at her "Oh come on Camila don't be so negative" i said pulling her to our classroom. "Y/N. She's doing this for the past 3 months now" she said i shrug "Still" she sighs "i still think she's ditching you for him and it's annoying me because i know that you'll get hurt in the end" i look at her with a frown. "I'll get hurt?" she then look at me sadly "You know what? Never mind you're right let's not be negative" she said but here i am thinking about what she said, will i get hurt? Will she hurt me? 

Lunch time. I think Camila noticed my silence because she has been staring at me through our classes "Please don't tell me you're thinking about the words i said" she said i look at her and stare at her making her whine. "Y/N! Stop thinking about it!" yup she read my mind "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that" she said hitting her forehead i got her hand so she could stop hitting herself "it's okay" we then sat down and i saw Lauren and Brad laughing in another table. "Oh wow" i mumble the girls saw them and frown "Is she ditching us?" Dinah said "Shh!" Camila said i look at them sadly and just eat my lunch ignoring what i'm feeling. If i'm honest, the thing i'm feeling right now i'm pretty sure i hate it already so i want to ignore it before i just explode. 

Camila's POV

I watch as Y/N play with her food and the sight was hurting me i sigh and shake my head i look up to the girls and frown as they look at us the same no one really talked well because we all noticed that Lauren is trying to ditch us now and she's really distant with Y/N now. I just don't get it, why does Lauren have to do this? I hope she has a good explanation. I got up and everyone looked at me but i ignored them i walk to their table and grabbed Lauren's arm and pull her to the empty hallway. "Ow Camz you're hurting me" good "I have to talk to you" i said seriously she nodded "Are you ditching us?" she shake her head "No-" "Cut the bullshit Lauren, we noticed you're being distant with Y/N now" she then frown "i'm no-" "She's hurt Lauren! She's just not showing it! Not even to us, all she say is stop being negative! Fix this Jauregui!" i said pushing her not so hard she just stumble back and then i walk back to the girls they all look at me but again i ignored them. 


A/N: My last update i'm going to Camp tomorrow. 

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