Chapter 6

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Your POV

Another morning, that means i'm going to school i'm kinda nervous though i mean i don't want to see Hope and her friends again. I literally dressed really pretty today so i wish they won't treat me badly, i sigh i also wanted to walk alone today because i don't feel like talking for a while i just want to listen to some music and enjoy myself. My phone kept vibrating seeing Lauren and Camila and the others girls are texting but i'm not really in the mood for talking so i just ignore them i'll explain to them soon don't worry. Yesterday, i kissed Lauren on the cheek...yeah i didn't do that on purpose it just happened, like something made me kiss her cheek i don't know i'm really weird sometimes but hey weird is the new normal. But speaking of Lauren, yesterday when i kissed her cheek she stayed silent so the rest of the day we were in an awkward silent but good thing we were watching a movie so that we couldn't really talk.

But yeah, i don't know what happens now. I regret doing that, i wish i didn't do it! now she thinks i like her or something, well because she's the only one i kissed on the cheek with so she might think i like her. I sighed kicked a stone, okay i admit i do have feelings for Lauren like i really like her so much and it hurts when she just see me as a friend i wanted so badly to more than a friend but i don't think she wants to date me. Alright first, she said she doesn't do relationships. Two, her past relationships were GUYS. Three, she only sees me as a friend. But it's weird, it's like she cares so much about me it's like she's overprotective on me,  the girls said i can calm her down easily, the girls also said she admires me. They also said that she only admires people that's it. She admires me, admire means to look at something impressive or someone attractive. Am i attractive? i don't think so, girls from yesterday said i was ugly, i know i should be confident about myself but i'm kinda not.

I'm really insecure with my body i don't like being so much confident it's just i don't know...maybe i'm scared? But yeah, i'm really shy around people i just met and it takes a long time to get confident with them but the girls managed to make me confident around them which is cool. I love those girls so much but Lauren...i still get shy around her well duh! she's my crush! Oh and the girls forgot to ask me about it so hopefully they won't today. Because they might tell Lauren and she won't talk to me or we might get awkward with each other which i don't like that, so i would want to keep my mouth shut. I then remembered the way Lauren looks at me as we sang Photograph yesterday, she was looking at me so differently, she's getting me confused sometimes. I just can't. I don't even know why she chose that song to sing but it was beautiful our harmonizing was beautiful, her singing was beautiful. I really love her voice it was so husky and really hot and her eyes are just like looking at me lovingly or something. But i guess, that's just my imagination.

I look up and saw the school, great we're here i took out my earphones and place them inside my bag and i continued walking, i could feel people staring at me might be laughing at what happened yesterday. I hang my head low as i walk, i feel so humiliated it's like no one will me well except for the girls but you know what i mean. I want to experience love, but i guess that won't happen here anymore because of what happened yesterday, that's.....great, i might stay lonely forever. With that being said i bumped into someone so i look up and noticed a guy from Music yesterday, shit he'll laugh at me right? so i closed my eyes and bow my head. "Why are you closing your eyes?" he asked i opened them and look at him he was smiling at me "you're Y/N right?" i nodded he was....gorgeous, no seriously it's like he got Camila's eyes, nose, lips, hair color and shit. "The one who got spilled with coffee?" i frown and nodded he's gonna laugh at me i just knew it! i then started walking away.

"Wait don't go" he said holding my hand i shivered "I'm not gonna laugh at you" he said frowning i look at him again "Hope was a total bitch i know but i'm not a bitch" he said smiling at me, "I'm Colton Cabello" my eyes widen. He chuckles "you're Camila's brother?" i asked he nodded "Yes, i know everything about you well because my sister can't shut up about you in dinner. Well she's like "oh my best friend Y/N is such an amazing singer she sang Photograph!" " he said imitating Camila i laughed and nodded. "Wow, i never knew she had a brother" he smiled at me cutely "Well you do kinda look like her" i said staring at his face making him...blush? "Ew?" i laughed "Ew? why? Camila's adorable" i said he shrugged "Eh...she's so girly like Sofi" he said i look at him confused "Sofi?" he laughed "Damn, you're Camila's best friend but you don't know anything about her?" i smiled and slap his arm "I'm sorry okay" i said pouting "Aw! it's alright, Sofi's our little sissy" he said i nodded, "who's older? you or Mila?" i asked he pointed to himself. \

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