Chapter 44

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- 2 months later -

Your POV

It was already lunch time and i was looking for my girlfriend cause my dad and mom wanted to have a family dinner with Lauren and my parents really loves Lauren so much so they wanted me to invite her for dinner tonight. "Hello" i look up excitedly and squeal hugging her so tight "Okay? why you so hyper princess?" she ask i smile at her sheepishly "Well mommy and daddy said they want me to invite you to have dinner with us tonight" i said happily she smile "Really?" i nodded "Please come?" i ask pouting she nodded "Of course i'll go, you're my girlfriend" she said pecking my lips. I smile and hugged her again, i then pull her down with me and we started a conversation with the girls. As i was eating my lunch i felt Lauren staring at me so i looked at her "Is there anything you want?" i ask with a smile she shake her head and smiled at me cutely "No nothing, just...admiring you" she said shrugging i blush "Stop" i mumble "It's true, you're really beautiful and i want so stare at your face always" i smile and peck her lips. "You're being cute again" i mumble she chuckled "Am i? i'm just trying to be honest" she said i nodded "Still cute" she bit her lip "Can i get another kiss?" she ask i nodded and peck her lips again "Again?" i roll my eyes and kissed her again. She hummed "yup, still have that spark" i giggle and gave her a long kiss before eating my lunch.

When the bell rang Lauren and i walk to the gym since we had PE last we then changed into shorts and shirt and went out to the field. "So what are we doing today?" i ask our teacher "Volleyball" i saw Lauren smile widely and i chuckle "She loves Volleyball" i said shaking my head she giggle and hugged me from behind. "Come i'll teach you" she said pulling my arm she got a ball and taught me how to hit it, "okay so i'll move back a little and try to hit it okay?" she said i nodded and she moved back. When she threw it i hit it with my wrists and it flew away "Yus!" she cheered i laughed and she got the ball again "Now this is how you serve" she then taught me how to serve and made me try one and i succeeded. "Yup you're so gonna be on my team" she said i laughed and she gave me a hug "Alright pick your team and go play" our teacher said then some girls ran to Lauren and some guys too. "Is she in our team?" one girl ask as she pointed to me Lauren looked at her "Yes she is" i shyly look at her and she was just staring at me....creepy. We then started the game, and actually this is the first time i've ever seen Lauren play i mean she's REALLY good! Like her spiking and serving is so fucking good. We are like ahead of our opponent thanks to Lauren.

After the game we changed back into our clothes and Lauren walk to me as i close my locker "So i'm gonna drive you home and i'll go home for a while to shower and get ready and what time should i be there?" she asked leaning against my locker. "About 8?" she nodded "Sure, i'll be there" i smile and peck her lips "Come on" i said pulling her hand we then walk to her car and she started to drive to my house. When we got there she walked me to my door and gave me a soft kiss "See you later beautiful" she said i blush "Bye" she then walk away "Wait- Lauren" she turned around and i blew her a kiss and mouthed 'i love you' she smiled widely and pretended to catch the kiss and she put it to her heard and mouthed 'i love you more princess' i blush and wave at her as she went inside the car and drove away. I sighed happily and walk inside seeing my parents in the living room "Hi i'm home" i said closing the door "Hey, so is your girlfriend coming tonight?" i nodded "Yeah she is" i said blushing "Aw, my baby girl is growing up so fast" Mom said kissing my cheek i chuckle "Well i have to shower since we just had PE" mom nodded and i rush up to my room and got the things i needed and walk to the bathroom.

Lauren's POV

As i was driving i couldn't help the smile on my face yup only Y/N can put that smile on my face, she's literally the best girlfriend i can ever have she's so special to me and i don't ever want to lose her. Everything about her is home, she's my home and my happiness she'll forever be my girl and i really see my future with her. I'm just so lucky to have her, i thank god for bringing her to our school cause if he didn't gosh i wouldn't have met her or i'll still be the old me and i really love the new me. Well Y/N changed me and it's a good change i'm getting less in trouble and i don't really ditch that much anymore. Thank you Y/N Y/L/N my lovely beautiful girlfriend, i sigh and turn me stereo on and played some Lana Del Rey songs and i quietly sang along as i drive. When i park on the side of my house i heard my phone dinged so i turned off the engine and look at my phone seeing a text from Brad, i frown and glare at the name but i opened it and read the message.

Brad: Hey Lauren, can we meet up later? I just wanted to apologize properly. Please i'm begging you, i hate fighting with you and i really want to start new as friends you know?

Me: Brad please just fuck off

Brad: No seriously Lauren all i want to do is apologize nothing more

I then thought about it first, should i? or not?

Me: What time?

Brad: Maybe 4:00? all we need is like 5 minutes

I look at the time and it was 3:30 i sighed and finally said yes.

Me: Fine, where are we gonna meet?

Brad: Near my place? Like the park there?

Me: Okay bye

I then walk inside my house and saw my mom i smile and kiss her cheek "Hi mom" i greeted "Hey Lauren how was school?" she ask "Well it was fun as always" she hummed "Hmm...weird most kids would say boring" i laughed "Well it is boring when the person you love is not there" i said shrugging "But today she's here and she always brighten up my days" she smiled "Aw, Y/N?" i nodded "Always Y/N mom" she smiled and kiss my forehead. "That's so cute" i smile "oh mom, tonight at 8 Y/N invited me to have dinner with her family can i go?" she nodded "Of course if you want to of course" i nodded "Yup definitely anyway i'm gonna shower now i smell really bad cause i just had PE" she chuckled and nodded "Okay see yeah later" i smile and walk to my room. "So Y/N huh?" i heard Taylor say i turn to her and nodded "Yup, she's still my princess" i said blushing she smiled "you two are so cute to be honest" i smile and gave her a hug. "You're cute my little sissy" she playfully whined but kissed my cheek "Love you sis now go shower cause you stink" gasped dramatically "Excuse me?" she laughed and ran away making me laugh. I walk to my bathroom and began to shower.

After i showered i saw it's already 3:55 so i decided to go meet up with Brad so i told mom that i'll be back in a few minutes she said okay so i just walk to Brad's house. Well i wanted to walk and i think it's not really that far maybe 10 minute walk? When i arrived at the park i saw him smiling at me "Hey Lauren" i nodded "what do you need?" he bit her lip "Well.... i just wanted to say i'm sorry" i nodded "Okay" he then gave me an evil smirk. "No really Lauren i'm sorry" i look at him confused but inside i feel scared i then felt someone grab me from behind and put a handkerchief on my mouth and nose and my vision started to blur and then it went all black.

Your POV

It was already 8 and i was so excited for Lauren to come and my parents can see that i'm really excited but as the time passed my smile faded. It was already 8:30 and i left her a bunch of messages and missed calls but she never answers, i frown and was about to cry but my parents was telling me it was okay. I walk to my home phone and called their home phone "hello?!" i heard Clara said worriedly "Clara?" i ask "Y/N!?" i jumped "yes?" i ask quietly "Is Lauren with you?!" i then felt scared inside "No she's not, where is she?!" i asked worried now "We don't know too, she left like 3:55 but she never came back she said she was coming back" she said crying. I bit my lip and started crying "Have you texted her? I texted her but she didn't reply" i said "Same she didn't reply to us" my parents saw me and my dad got the phone and talked with Clara as my mom held me in her arms. I was crying and felt so scared, what happened to Lauren? Is she okay? or is she just walking around? Please be safe Lauren.

My parents drove me to Lauren's house and when we entered the Jauregui family were crying Mike was talking to the police i then sat next to Chris and Taylor. "It's already 9 and she's not home yet" Taylor cried i sighed and closed my eyes, this is a dream this is a dream Lauren is not missing. She's gonna come back first thing in the morning.

A/N: Double update cause school is over! I'm so happy! 😆😝 anyway I just want to thank you guys again for reading my books. Thank you for the support! Vote, and feel free to comment anything! 🤓👌🏻

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