Chapter 25

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Lauren's POV

I was at home just enjoying myself by watching TV my dad is with a friend so i'm alone, i heard a knock on the door so i got up and opened the door seeing Camila standing there "Hey?" she nodded "Hi, can we talk?" i look at her confused "Uh..." she then went inside "okay then" i said and closed the door. We walk to the living room "Why are you ignoring Y/N?" she asked i groaned "Urgh...can we not talk about her please" i said closing my eyes "No really're hurting her" i look at her "How?" i asked "You're hurting her feelings" i look at her confused. "She likes you Lauren" she said in a soft voice i shake my head "that's impossible" i said "Lauren i'm serious you're her crush...that's why Colt won't want to ask her out because he knows that Y/N likes you" i frown i felt my heart beating so fast. "She's hurting because you won't talk to her, you knew she hated being ignored or treated like she was invisible. She likes you Lauren..." i sat up and look at her "Camz, i can't fall in love with someone okay? i'm not ready....i haven't moved on from my past" i said she sighed.

"Lauren...that was your past, and you dated  two assholes! Y/N is not an asshole, i know her she's a sweet person she won't hurt you like Luis and Brad did. She won't beat you up Lauren, please give her a chance, break your walls for her" i shake my head "I'm not ready Camz" i mumble looking away from her. "You know she's crying...she kept thinking that you were mad at her for letting you kiss her. She was hurt too since she said that you...regretted the kiss" she said sadly i look at her, i don't regret the kiss it's just........UGH FUCK I'M MESSED UP!! i sighed "she's not the same Lauren it's been a week now and she's not as happy as she was before" she said sitting down next to me. "I can't make her fall for me Camz.... i don't want to be in a relationship" i said she frowned "But you do love her right?" i shrug she sighed "Lauren please...speak to her she needs you" she said and got up and went out of my house. I sighed and got my phone i was debating if i should call her or not i bit my lip and just placed it down, if i want her not to fall for me i won't talk to her for a while.

Your POV

"I talked to her" Camila said i nodded "Come on Y/ to me!" i look at her "I'm sorry, i'm just upset" she nodded "I know babe" i smile and she pulled me to her arms and i sighed sadly "It's like she loves you though" i shake my head "Don't lie to me Camila please" i mumble "I'm not lying" i just hug her tight. "Can we sleep please? cuddle with me?" she nodded and we laid down on my bed "Please don't leave me" i said looking at her pleadingly she nodded "I won't leave you" she said and kissed my head i sighed and fell asleep. When i woke up i saw Camila with a cup of ice cream i smile and sat up "Is this for me?" i ask she huffed "No it's for me" i pouted "Nah, it's for my best friend" she said and kissed my cheek i smile at her and ate the ice cream. "Thank you" she nodded and we both watched a movie together, i look at my phone and saw no texts from Lauren i mean why would she text me? she's mad right? i put my phone down and continued eating my ice cream and i felt better.


Next day, i saw Destiny and Lauren laughing i frown and slowly walk passed them, why is she talking to Destiny and not me? why is this so hard for her? i know she has her past and her past was so rough and everything but she has to let this go soon right? As i was walking i bumped into someone making me spill their hot chocolate and my books fell now my stuff is covered with hot chocolate, i look up "I'm so sorry" i said the girl is wearing a cheerleader uniform so i guess this is one of the bitches? but i never saw her before. "Great, now i don't have my hot chocolate! thanks to you bitch, watch where your fucking going or i'll beat your mother fucking ass when i see your shitty face again!" she shouted people were now staring at us and i look down "I'm sorry" i mumble "Pay me now" i look up confused "Don't look at me like that! you spilled my hot chocolate so pay me so i could get a new one!" i got my wallet and was about to take the money out but i felt a familiar hand pulled me back. I look up and saw Lauren pissed "You do not talk to her like that missy" she said going near the cheerleader "Oh and who are you her girlfriend?" i saw Lauren's hands fist and was ready to punch but held it back.

"No, i'm the principal's daughter and who are you? oh wait you're just a new girl in this school and you already think you're popular?! Well congrats you're now one of the bitches and whores in this school" Lauren said harshly pushing the cheerleader "ha! excuse me? That shit just bumped into me and spilled my hot chocolate and wasted my money i just wanted my fucking money back!" she said pushing Lauren back. "Well bitch, you didn't accidentally bumped into her i fucking saw you. I saw you bump into her purposely and just started to embarrass her!!" the cheerleader then slapped Lauren's cheek making the people go 'ohh' i was shocked. "Oh you're gonna get it" Lauren mumble and then started punching her but the cheerleader was punching her back "Shit shit shit..."i mumble i got Lauren's arm "Lauren please..." she didn't listen and kept punching the cheerleader puller her hair and pushed her to the lockers.

Lauren was about to attack but i got in front of her while a random teacher held the cheerleader back, "Jauregui get your face cleaned" the teacher said i took Lauren's arm and got my things and we walk to the bathroom. I lock the bathroom and look at her "Are you okay?" i ask she was deep in thought and she was glaring at the floor "Lauren..." she look up "I'm fine, i can take care of myself" she said and tried to get out but i push her back. I got a chair and let her sit there she was complaining and tried getting up but what stopped her is when i sat on her lap, she looked at me then back down i sighed "Lauren...please talk to me" i said as i clean her face with my handkerchief. She winced when i accidentally touched the cut on her lip, "i'm sorry" i whispered and i wet the handkerchief and cleaned her face again now the blood is gone. Her lip was still bleeding so i gently placed the wet handkerchief on her bottom lip she winced again but i cup her cheek "shhh...." i said softly i then saw her holding back the pain. I sighed and look at her face "you have some bruises in your face and a busted lip" i said she sighed, and stare at me.

"You should....probably go to the nurse" i said softly i then button her shirt back up since it was open when they were fighting well only three buttons are undone when i finished the last button i fixed her collar and look back to her eyes who was still on me. Her face was unreadable so i couldn't really read what she's feeling or what she's thinking right now, suddenly she leaned down and captured my lips with her own i was confused but kissed back. I have been craving for her lips these past days so i wanted to kiss her back i cup her cheeks and deepen the kiss and she wrap her arms around my waist pulling me closer, i pulled back but she pulled my back to her lips again. Few minutes later she pulled back and stood up making me stand too, we were both breathing heavily "Fuck" she mumble she held her head while her eyes are shut tightly "Fuck....fuck...fuck...." she repeated i look at her confused. "Why did you do that?" yup i'm confused "Do what?" i ask "Kiss me?" she said looking at me she looked so frustrated "I didn't....YOU kissed ME" i said she punched the wall "Fuck" i held her hand "Don't punch the wall" i said she sighed and groaned loudly.

"Why are you doing this to me?! Why Y/N?!" she shouted i was speechless i didn't know what was happening in her head "You're confusing me" she whispered "Confusing? How?" she punched the wall again and i got her hands. "Lauren stop hurting yourself" i said worriedly she shut her eyes tightly "I'm going home" she mumble i then let her go, she opened the door and exited i stayed there confused and frustrated as well. Few minutes later i got out and walk to second period people were staring at me but i just ignore them i saw the girls running to me and Camila cupped my cheeks "We heard about the fight, are you okay?!" she asked I nodded "I am, but Lauren was the one in the fight" i said the girls sighed and look around worriedly "She said she's going home" i mumble "No she's not, she's right there" i look to my right and saw her talking to her dad. More like arguing, the girls walk to them and Camila was dragging me "Lauren is everything alright?" Ally asked "No, cause my stubborn father doesn't want me to leave!" i sighed and Destiny hugged her. "Stay Lauren" she said she looked at her "No! i wanna go home!" Destiny jumped and moved away from her, when our eyes locked i saw her relax a little but she looked away.

"Dad, i want to leave now" she demanded "No Lauren! You have to stay!" She groaned and walked away and her dad sighed, I look at Mr Jauregui and he smiled "Can you help me calm her down please?" He asked "but sir she's mad at me" I mumble "Please Y/N, I need her to calm down" I sighed "okay I'll try" he smiled and nodded "thank you so much" I smile and walk away looking for Lauren.


A/N: Yayyy!!! An update!! :)

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