Chapter 37

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Your POV

I saw Lauren in her locker reading a book so i sneaked behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek, she jumped at first but when she saw me she relaxed and turn to me "Hey" she greeted i smile and peck her lips. "What are you doing?" i ask she smiled and showed me her book "Just reading" i giggle "I didn't know you read Jauregui" i said she chuckled "Well i have to" she said shrugging "Anyway how are you? We never got to talk ever since i got back home" she said frowning "I know, my dad confiscated it" i said rolling my eyes. "Oh and that was just two days Lauren" i said chuckling she pouted "i know but i can't help it, i miss you" i smile and wrap my arms around her "You're so cute you know?" i cooed rubbing my nose to hers making her giggle. I then lean to kiss her but got pulled back harshly so i stumble back and landed on someone's arms i look up and saw a cheerleader. Oh shit, i then saw Destiny glaring at me "What the fuck Destiny?!" Lauren snapped i got out from the person's grip and was about to go to Lauren "You're not allowed to make out!" Destiny yelled i then saw Lauren got furious and pushed her to her friends.

"Who said you're allowed to touch my girlfriend? huh?" Lauren said pulling me to her back "None of you can touch her. GOT IT?! Especially you Destiny" she said giving her a death glare, "Lauren you heard Mr Jackson you can't make out in school! Do you want me to call him?" Lauren rolled her eyes "you think I'm scared of you? Bitch you would make out with me if I chose you before!" Destiny then became quiet "Yeah you're just doing this to us because you're jealous. Look Destiny I will never ever like you okay?! Please leave us alone" Lauren said pulling me away from them. As we walk I felt Lauren held my hand "Ugh she's so annoying!" i smile and squeeze her hand "come on we will be late for English" i said and then we entered the classroom.

Lauren's POV

It was already lunch time already and i was looking for my girlfriend since i didn't have her last period when i turned to the hallway i saw her talking to Colton Cabello, i know i shouldn't feel jealous because i know she's mine already and she knows that. I walk towards them and i can see her looking so stressed "Baby you okay?" i ask when i got there she look at me and smiled slightly "Yes i am, but babe i have to do something with Colt okay? i'll see you after school" she said hurriedly "Wait- what are you guys doing?" i ask "a project that is due next period, i'll see you later okay?" i think she noticed the sadness in my face because she cup my cheeks. "Lauren i'll be back okay? I love you" i then smiled when she said that "I love you too, see you later" i said she smile and lean towards me and give me the sweetest kiss ever she then wink at me before walking away with Colt. I sighed before walking to the cafeteria because i was standing there like an idiot but before i enter the cafeteria i heard my name being called so i turn and saw my dad. "Yes?" i ask him he then told me to go to his office, i roll my eyes did i get in trouble again? I thought i was doing a pretty good job? I then went inside his office.

"Yes?" i said again "Uh...all i want to say is Taylor and Chris is gonna study here. Is it okay if you help them tomorrow?" i nodded "sure, can i bring Y/N with me if we give them a tour around the school?" he nodded "Yes of course baby, and i'm really sorry for not telling you about the real reason" i sigh and nodded "Just don't remind me okay?" he nodded and pulled me to a hug. "I'm gonna go now, i'll just look for my friends" he nodded and kissed my forehead i smile before exiting his office, wow this is like the first time i exited his office while smiling. Soon i arrived at our table they smiled "Where's Y/N?" Camila asked i roll my eyes "Your damn brother stole her" i said sitting down "Stole? How?" Dinah ask "They have a project together and it's due next period" i said "You're jealous aren't you?" Camila said smirking "Well...not really, it's just a project right?" they smiled when they saw my face. I'm just not used to her being away from me, but their project is graded so it's alright. I then started eating my lunch while looking at the girls as they talk, i slightly look to my left and saw Luis looking at me. I gave him a disgusted face before looking away and then look back to the girls, i felt a different guy staring at me but i didn't look at him.

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