Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

It was already 7 and i was ready for the party i wore (the picture above) and put on black make up, i went downstairs and saw Dinah's mini van so i went inside and saw the girls and Colt....i sighed and smiled at them "Hey guys" i greeted they greeted back and i sat next to Destiny. I look over to Des and my eyes went up and down her body "Stop checking me out" she whispered to my ear i blushed "I'm sorry...but you're just really pretty" i said she smiled and kissed my cheek. I sighed and look at her "you're hot" she said i smile and hug her "You're cute" i said she giggle and i glanced at Y/N and Colt, they were cuddling on the back and i felt so je..... mad. Anyway we arrived at the party and i saw Y/N pulled Colt's hand and they went to the dance floor, i sighed and lean back on the bar and Des gave me a drink i smiled at her "Thanks" i said she smile and hugged me.

Few hours later i felt a little drunk....just a little don't worry. I walk around and saw Y/N just went out of the bathroom i walk to her and she gave me a smile "Hey" she greeted i smiled "Hi" she smile "Come with me" i said she nodded "Okay" i got her hand and we walked to the roof. She smiled whens she saw the view, "beautiful" she said i smile and wrap my arms around her she sighed and intertwine our fingers. I smile and breathe in her scent "You look gorgeous by the way" i said while twirling her she giggle and kissed my cheek "Thank you, you look gorgeous and hot" she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I place mine to her waist "what are you doing to me?" i mumble she looked at my eyes "do what?" i shake my head and kissed her forehead "nothing" she stare into my eyes "Tell me Jauregui" she said while cupping my cheek with one hand. I blush "You're making me feel like....i don't know" i said she just gave me a cute smile and continued to stare into my eyes.

She sighed "dance with me?" she said "where downstairs?" she shake her head "no here" she said getting her phone then the song Photograph comes blasting through the phone making me smile, "the song we sang together?" she nodded and i place my hands on her waists her is on my neck as we swayed together. She placed her head on my chest, i'm beginning to feel the feeling that i hate....which is know what i mean. But i can't, i'm still scared.... i sighed and just enjoyed this moment, because it's Y/N and she's finally not with Colt and no ones is interrupting us. 'So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans, holding me closer 'til our eyes meet, you won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home.'  the lyrics said and i just stared at Y/N lovingly and she blushed. I placed her hair behind her ear and look at her beautiful breath-taking eyes, there was something in there, like....she...lo- like she lo-....i sighed it's impossible.

When the lyrics 'When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me. Under the lamppost back on Sixth street. Hearing you whisper through the phone, "Wait for me to come home."' i sang it to her, i don't know i just like that part. It's so cute, she smiled and sighed and we went silent but we were busy looking at each other's eyes, i felt myself leaning down to her without my control, i couldn't really think. Something is controlling me and i think i know what it is but i don't want to mention it, our lips were about meet and i grew nervous but then suddenly i heard someone calling us making us jump and pull apart. We saw Camila and Dinah smirking at us "No way Lauren" Dinah said i cleared my throat and got Y/N's hand and intertwine our fingers, "what?" i asked Dinah she just laughed and shake her head. "You bad boy!" she said poking my stomach and i look at her weirdly "Dude, you just kissed Destiny like days ago and now you're planning on kissing Y/N? oh and don't worry i ship you two sorry for Des but my ship is you two" i rolled my eyes.

I heard Y/N giggle "Dinah....i don't-" "do relationships we got it" they all said including Y/N i chuckle "and uh...don't say kiss" i said shaking my head "Why not Lauren?" Dinah said smirking i glare at her "Just don't okay?" she and Camila smirked "you were planning to kiss her!" they both said i groaned "Stop! and no! it wasn't me controlling my body" i said Camlia nodded "It was your hear-" i covered her mouth "Shut up Camz" i said and pulled Y/N's hand and we walk downstairs. I then guided her to the dance floor and we began dancing with the others, "hey guys" Ally greeted we smiled and greeted back "Woah, someone's drunk" Y/N said looking at someone i look over to the person she was looking at and saw Destiny dancing with Normani and Ally and yes she is drunk. I laugh and look back to Y/N who was staring at me, i smiled at her and we began dancing and laughing. As we drank a little bit of alcohol I feel myself getting drunk but not so much. She turned around and I began grinding my front to her butt she placed her hands on my head and we both grind o each other. To be honest I feel so turned on right now, but I can't fuck her well she was my girlfriend I would have brought her home with me and did it but we're not together. An hour later we finally decided to stop but suddenly a drunk guy started grinding into Y/N making her uncomfortable and i glared at the dude.

I pushed his chest making him look at me "what huh girly? you gotta punch me?" he challenged i was about to attack but Y/N got my arm and fist "Lauren come on" she said softly the guy chuckle "You're a softy huh? well your girlfriend here is sooo fucking hot i could just fuck her right here. I mean look at that ass! damn! and her boobs-" "SHUT UP!" i shouted he smirked "or what huh?" i then lost my patience and started punching himi. "You do not talk about her like that you son of a bitch!!" i shouted at him and punch him again i then felt i was lifted up and brought me outside, "Damn Lauren!" Camila said looking at me worriedly "Where's Y/N?!" she then came beside me "I'm here" i sighed and hug her. "That shit didn't hurt you right?" i asked worriedly she shake her head "I'm fine Lauren" she said and she got my hand and look at my knuckles. She sighed and look at my eyes "let's go home" she said i nodded "i'll bring you guys" Dinah said nodding we nodded and said goodbye to the girls.

We went inside the car and Dinah started driving "Where to?" she asked Y/N looked at me "Can you sleep with me tonight? i want someone to cuddle with" i said pouting she nodded "Sure" she said kissing my cheek. I smiled "Lauren's" Y/N said Dinah nodded and Y/N kissed my knuckled softly making me melt, i cuddled up to her and she wrap her arms around me. Once we arrived in my house we thanked Dinah and walk inside the house seeing dad on the table "Oh you're back? with Y/N?" i nodded "She's sleeping over" he nodded and waved at Y/N who waved back shyly. We then went to my room she said she'll text her mother that she's sleeping over here so as she text i quickly change into my over- sized t-shirt and shorts. She sighed and look at me and i threw her a pair of over-sized t-shirt and black shorts, she then changed into it but i turned around because she told me too but i secretly glance at her. Okay shut up! don't judge me, she's really hot and sexy.

When she said she was done my eyes immediately looked at her chest well because her....nipples were...kinda...uh showing. But who cares? we're both not wearing bra but our shirts are covering it anyway so. I laid down and she got ice for my knuckles i smile at her as she took care of me when she saw me staring at her she blushed and giggle "Stop smiling Jauregui" she said i shrug "why not?" she smile "you look adorable" she said quietly and i blushed. After an hour of talking she placed the ice on the bathroom and walk back to me. I sighed and cuddled to her as she laid down but felt a little turned on as her boobs were near my face, but i tried so hard to ignore it. "Goodnight Lauren" she said i smile and kissed her cheek "Goodnight Y/N" she then closed the lights.


Next morning, i woke up and looked at my phone it was just 8:00 and it's a Saturday! i cuddled to the person more and then i remembered who i'm cuddling with....Y/N. I smiled and look up and she was still asleep i kissed her cheek softly and just stared at her, she scrunch her face and i felt her stretch her body slightly she then sighed. When she opened her eyes i closed mine and pretended i was still asleep, i heard her groaning quietly and felt her move but she cuddled back to me. I then heard her yawn "Lauren?" she called softly i didn't answer she sighed and wrap her arms around me, "Lauren?" she called again i "woke up" and started to groan i heard her giggle. "Y/N?" i called i felt her kiss my head "Yeah?" she said i rub my eyes and look up at her "Hi" i said smiling she giggled "Hello, green eyes" i blush and nuzzle my nose to her cheek. "Wanna eat breakfast?" i ask her she smiled "Sure" i stretched my arms and pulled her up, "is your dad home?" she asked i shake my head "Nah, he's maybe somewhere. I don't know.." i said she nodded and i stare at her as she put her hair in a bun.

I just noticed how short my shorts are and it looked like she wasn't wearing any shorts just panties, and i stare at her smooth legs i blushed when she turned to me, i cleared my throat "Let's go?" i said holding her hand. We then went downstairs, i then started making pancakes as she sat on the counter facing me.

A/N: My third update for today 😏😉😘 just cause I'm nice! By the way.... Enjoy! 💋💕

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