Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

I was at the park with Y/N and we were both sitting on the grass just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful sunny day, i love hanging out with her and to be honest i love the feeling of love again! Thanks to her, now here i am doing the things i've never done before since my past i am now kissing her, complimenting her, cuddling with her and do all the couple things. It's like i'm not scared anymore...i feel safe around her, she's my happiness and she told me that we might have an argument someday but we'll always fix it. "Y/N do you want to go to another country with me? Well I mean like for vacation? Maybe five days?" I ask "sure where are we going?" She asked burying her face to my neck. "I'm thinking to visit my old friend there I want you to meet her, she used to live in Miami now she moved to France" she nodded "Sure who is she?" She asked "Alexa" she nodded "Alright when?" I then thought about it. "Maybe the starting of our two week break?" She nodded "alright I just gotta tell my parents" I smile "sweet, I'll book a flight later" I said kissing her head.

"Will it be just you and me?" She ask I nodded "Yes baby, why?" She shrug "Nothing just asking, how much is it? So I could pay you later" she said I shake my head "No I'm paying for our flight" I said "No babe, I will!" "Don't argue with me because if you did I will also buy our food and our hotel" i said she immediately shut up. I laughed and she pouted "Not fair Lauren...let me at least buy our food?" she said i sighed "Okay baby girl" she smiled and peck my lips and we both cuddled under the tree. "I love these kinds of moments with you, i always feel like i'm safe and very happy" i said softly "Me too Lauren....i'm glad you finally opened your beautiful eyes" i chuckle "what made you kiss me?" i ask her she look up and smile at me softly. "Well...when i saw you kissed Destiny i felt mad and really hurt i really wanted to punch Destiny right there but i didn't have the guts to" i chuckle "I would love to see you punch her" i joked she smiled and slap my stomach "Stop...but anyway, i felt like i wanted to cry because i thought you chose her and i lost my chance so i went to a practice room and sang a song to just let out my feelings" i frown "I'm really sorry baby" she just smiled and nodded "I know and i forgive you" i sighed and kiss her forehead.

"What did you sing?" i ask "Should've Kissed You by Chris Brown? i don't know it just came into my head once i was near the piano, like the lyrics said ' I should've kissed you, I should've told you, told you just how I feel. And next time I won't stop, i'll listen to my heart cause what I feel is real.' and i did, i should've kissed you before and told you how i felt but i was too scared to see your reaction. I might get rejection which is the thing i'm afraid of, then i told myself next time i won't stop and then i listened to my heart then that was the time i kissed you. Because what i felt was real." i smile at her lovingly "yeah that song suit me" i giggle "You're really cute you know? and very talented" i said softly she sighed and smile "But it's just a simple talent you know just singing and piano?" i shrug "Some people can't play piano, some people are bad at singing and you, you're amazing" i said caressing her cheek. "I'm not as talented as Destiny though" she said frowning "Ugh who cares? cause i don't, you are really talented Y/N you just don't see it. I see it, and you don't" she nodded and i pulled her to my arms.

"Never think that you are not talented or ugly because baby you are talented and gorgeous, you also have the beautiful personality, the brains, the beauty, the talent...and that's my kind of girl a very simple original girl" i said she blushed and bury her face to my neck. "You're making me blush" she mumble i giggle "Well it's true baby" she blushed even more she giggled cutely "stoooopp..." she whine i laughed "fine, but you do know they're true right?" she nodded "Thank you" she kissed my cheek. I then saw a cute random kid walks to us following his ball "Oops...sorry" he said cutely i smile and we sat up and look at him, he looks so cute "Hi where's your mommy?" Y/N asked then the boy pointed at his mother and we smiled at her. "Come on Andy" she said i then gave the boy the ball "thank you" he said and then ran to his mother "he's so cute" Y/N said i nodded "you're cuter" i said kissing her temple "No way, he's the cutest! like really cute" i giggle "Do you love kids?" i ask she nodded "Yup i do" i smile "Aw!" she giggle and rub our noses together. I then captured her lips making her smile.

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