Chapter 32

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Your POV

After i dried my hair i walk to the room and saw Lauren was just on her casual clothes, we are preparing to leave well because it's already 7:30 and i was wearing a cute dress. Lauren she's wearing her bad ass clothes, she looked up from her phone and smiled "aw you look so adorable!" she said walking to me i giggle "Thank you" i said and kissed her lips she smiled and kept staring at me from head to toe. "Alright stop checking me out" i said kissing her cheek snapping her out of her thoughts she then wrap her arms around my waist "No seriously you look so cute/hot at the same time" she said pouting. I giggle "Lauren, you are sexy and gorgeous" i said looking at her outfit, she was wearing a black crop top that shows some of her stomach and her leather jacket, jeans and boots. Her hair was on one side looking so fabulous as always. "Alexa might hit on you" she whine "No she won't alright?" i said cupping her cheeks "But you look so beautiful you look so beautiful with and without make up" i smile "Thank you, now come on and stop whining about Alexa hitting on me because i'm sure she won't alright?" she sighed and nodded.

I got my sling bag and we exited the hotel we then took a cab and drove to the Eiffel Tower where we're gonna meet Alexa. When we got there the Eiffel Tower was already full of lights and there were couples everywhere, i smile and the sight and the cool air hitting my face is just so refreshing. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Lauren said holding my hand i nodded "So beautiful" i said she smiled "I'll take a photo of you" she said i look at her and saw her holding her Polaroid camera "Come with me" i said pouting "I will, i want your solo first" i nodded and went in front of the Eiffel Tower. Lauren then took a picture of me, "My turn i'll take a picture of you" i said getting her Polaroid camera and then i took a picture of her. I got the picture and smiled she then placed the pictures in a small album and put it on her bag, "here why don't i take a picture of the both of you" we heard a different voice say we look up and saw Alexa. Lauren and Alexa then began squealing and hugging and i stood there awkwardly.

"Anyway this is Y/N" Lauren said i smiled at Alexa who was checking me out Lauren nudged her making her blink "Oh hi, i'm Alexa Ferrer finally nice to see you in person! and shit you're beautiful" i blushed "Thanks, you too" i said "Alexa....don't flirt with her" Lauren walking to me. "I know i know!! Are you single?" she asked me i nodded slowly "but dammit! Lauren got you already" i chuckle and nodded again. "Well bro you're so lucky" Alexa told Lauren who laughed "I am" she said nodding "Anyway, give me the Polaroid camera and i'll take a picture of you both" she said i gave her the Polaroid camera and i pulled Lauren with me. "Ready? 3, 2..." and then i kissed Lauren "1" and then she took the photo, i pulled away and saw Lauren smiling "I'm definitely hanging that photo in my art room" she said i giggle and peck her lips. "You are guys are so adorable!" Alexa said looking at the Polaroid picture we smiled and she gave it to Lauren, "Lauren can i have a picture with her please?" she asked Lauren while pouting. Lauren glared at her "Pleasee!! i won't hit on her i promise" Lauren rolled her eyes and finally nodded she smiled and hugged me.

When Lauren took the picture she gave it to Alexa and she smiled widely "Thank you Lauren Michelle Jauregui" she said hugging Lauren "Ugh no...stop you're heavy" Lauren whine Alexa kissed her cheek and Lauren pouted "let me go"  she whine Alexa laughed and pulled away. "So...dinner?" we nodded and we walk to a restaurant and we ordered our food, Alexa sat across me and Lauren sat beside me while we eat we made a conversation and Alexa is really fun to be with. "Wait so you never had a boyfriend?" i nodded shyly "Well shit! You're beautiful as fuck!" Lauren glared at her "Really Lex?" she shrug "She is, who was your first kiss?" i blushed and look at Lauren who was biting her lip while blushing too. "Lauren" i said shyly Alexa dropped her fork and look at Lauren "Jauregui? The fuck? How?" Lauren blushed "Well i couldn't control myself that time so i just did it" i smiled "Bro, i wish i was fucking there!" i sighed "Well we had a fight after that" Lauren said frowning "What why?" Alexa asked "Because-" "I was stupid and blind" Lauren cut me off. I sighed and kissed her cheek "Long story" i said to Alexa nodded "Please tell me?" we chuckled "Well Lauren?" i look at her "What why me?" i smile "Please babe" i said pouting she sighed and then told the story.

As we finished dinner we started walking around the Eiffel Tower, i swear i fell in love with this place! "Hey Y/N?" i look at Lauren "Yeah?" i ask "I'll be back okay? Alexa will stay with you for a while i just want to do something" i nodded and she peck my lips. "I'll be back" she said and then walked away i look at Alexa and she smiled at me " are you and Lauren doing?" i shrug "Well we're fine, we've been dating for a month now" i said "And she hadn't asked you to be her girlfriend yet?" i shrug "Nope, well it's okay i don't want to rush her anyway" i said she smiled "You two are perfect for each other you know?" i smile "Really?" she nodded "Fuck yeah, the picture i took when you both were kissing under the Eiffel Tower is so adorable" i blush "Also, the way you two treat each other. Like loving couple does you know kiss each other's cheek and hugging and shit" i giggle and nodded "Do you have a boyfriend?" i ask she nodded "yes, i do why?" i look at her weirdly "Then why were you flirting with me before?" i ask she laughed "I was kidding, well sure you are beautiful and incredibly sexy but i just wanted to piss Lauren off cause i miss her" i laughed and nodded.

"But yeah, i'm not saying you're ugly cause man i would be lying. You know if i didn't have a boyfriend or if Lauren and you never happened i would have asked you out but no, i'm a good person i don't steal someone's lover well why would i if i already have one?" she said shrugging i smile and agreed with her. "But Lauren a good kisser?" she asked i look at her weirdly again and she laughed "Well is she?" i blush and look away "How was the first kiss?" she asked again i just smiled "Well....the first time she kissed me i felt my knees go weak and i felt like i was melting. But yeah her kisses are my favorite, it's just her lips are so perfect with mine and feeling her lips on me is just....heavenly. Then she will give me the cutest smile after she kisses me which made my heart beat fast" she covered her mouth "Aw, that is the most cutest thing ever!!" i giggle and touch my lips. "I don't know it's just i fall in love in every second i kiss her" she nodded and then looked at something, i look to my left but a kiss was planted on my cheek making me smile when i felt those familiar lips on my cheek.

I turned around and saw Lauren holding a red heart shape balloon, white rose and a box of chocolates. I look at her in awe "Lauren what is this?" I asked getting her gifts. "Well I wanted to buy you something while we're in Paris the romantic city. I chuckle and gave her lingering kiss "you're such a romantic person" I mumble against our lips. She giggle and pulled me closer by wrapping her arms around my waist, "Y/N?" She asked when we pulled away "Yeah?" I asked while smelling the white rose. "Will you be my girlfriend?" she asked shyly I look up at her shocked dos she just fucking ask me to be her girlfriend?! "I know this is your first time to be in a relationship and I want to be your first love Y/N. I want to show you how much I love you because you deserve to be loved. And I love you, ever since I saw you in that school my heart always knew that I loved you but my mind was just blocking it. I love you Y/N" I bit my lip while smiling "Yes Lauren, I want to be your girlfriend!" She sighed in relief and I hugged her tight. I felt her carry me and spin me around making me laugh and then she put me down "Finally you're my girlfriend! Shit I've been waiting for this to happen! I just wanted to ask you somewhere romantic which was under the Eiffel Tower" she said I look up and smiled "I never knew Lauren can be so romantic" Alexa said I giggle and kiss Lauren's cheek.

"Well I can't help myself, I really love her" Lauren said wrapping an arm around me as I smile at her lovingly "Lauren..." I called she look down to me "I love you too" she smiled and I can see her face was full of happiness and love. "Really?" I nodded shyly "I love you Lauren" I said before kissing her "oh my god you love me back" she mumble I giggle "of course I do baby" she smiled and deepen the kiss. "Uh guys? Hate to break your little beautiful moment here but I feel like a third wheel ish so...y'all can separate?" Alexa said we laughed and finally pulled away. "Sure, but this time you already know she's my girlfriend" Alexa nodded "I know! I saw you asking her I was right here taking photos with your Polaroid camera! And don't worry I won't flirt with her i have a boyfriend I faked flirt with her since I wanted to piss you off well cause I miss you buddy!" She said patting Lauren's shoulder. Lauren smiled and hugged her friend "love you dude" she said "I love you too!" I smile at them and then they pulled
away and we started walking around.

A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry for making you wait but yeah here is an update. You and Lo are finally together! ❤️ anyway, vote and comment! Thank you  my readers! 😘

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