Chapter 19

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Your POV

The next day I was at the mall by myself just buying some stuff and everything. I then accidentally bumped into someone I look up and saw Destiny and Lauren together "Oh... Well hi" I said awkwardly they smiled "Y/N, hey" I nodded "shopping?" They nodded "yeah, Lauren is just here to help me" I nodded "alright, well I better get going" I said "No wait! Come eat lunch with us" Lauren said grabbing my arm. I sighed "are you sure?" I asked looking at Destiny who smiled and nodded we then walked to the food court. We sat down and Lauren decided to buy us food, leaving me with Destiny. "Hey, I know we're not that close but do you like Lauren too?" She asked I look at her "what no, why? She's just my best friend" she sighed in relief "Good, well I mean I don't want anyone liking her because I'm planning to you know break her walls" I nodded "I'll make her fall for me but it looks like she likes you too" she said looking at me with a little bit of disgust well I can see it in her face she's just good at not showing it.

"Pshh Lauren doesn't like me, I promise you we're just best friends" I said "okay, well not to be rude but can you back off?" I look at her confused "uh excuse me?" I laughed sarcastically "I'm sorry it's just I get jealous when her attention is on you, and it's like she likes you so can you please back off?" Okay this girl is a bitch! "You want me to not talk to her? Or hang out with her?" I asked she shrug "please? I just want her to fall for me then if she's my girlfriend now you can talk to her again" I shake my head in disbelief. "Girl, I can do what I want to do alright? She's my best friend I'm not backing off I'm not even planning on stealing her from you. It's not my fault she likes me or something but telling me to back off is very rude. It's like you want me to end my friendship with Lauren." I said glaring at her she sighed "it's just-" "I don't care, I'm not backing off she's my friend too! Don't be selfish! And remember I met her first" I said standing up "hey where are you going?" Lauren asked as she brought food.

"Home" I said glaring at Destiny, Lauren looked so confused I then started to walk away. "Wait please stay, I never get a chance to hang out with you" she said as we were far from Destiny. I was so pissed at her I mean she was so rude! "It's alright Lauren, let's hang out in school. Go back to your girlfriend please" I said moving away but she stopped me "she's not my girlfriend Y/N she's just a friend" I nodded "you will never know what happens next Lauren, you might end up with her" she shake her head "I don't do relationships remember?" I sighed "Lauren please, please just go to her okay?" I beg "I don't understand" she said cupping my cheeks but I pull them down seeing Destiny glaring at me. "Just go okay? Don't... cup my cheeks or kiss my cheek or hold my hand okay? Go to Destiny" I said then walked away from her.

Lauren's POV

I stood there upset what did I do wrong? And actually it hurts when she was pushing me away. What the fuck happened? I look over to Des and she looked down, I sat across her and stare at her face. "What did you guys talk about?" I ask she shake her head "Nothing, I was just asking how was her day yesterday" I sighed "She was pushing me away and it hurts" I said frowning she then held my hand but I felt like I didn't want to touch anybody else. "I'm going home okay? I'll see you tomorrow" I said and rushing out of the mall. I then drove to Y/N's house and knock on the door, she opened it and frown "what are you doing here?" She asked I opened the door wider "what happened?" I then saw Camila inside looking so pissed. "One question, are you guys together?" I asked them "No, we're best friends Lauren you know that" Camila said I nodded "right, well Y/N tell me why you left so early" i asked her she sighed "Lauren, it's nothing alright? i'll see you tomorrow at school okay?" she said smiling at me a bit. I frown "Can i at least get a hug from you?" i asked opening my arms "please..." i said pouting she sighed in defeat and hugged me back.

I hug her tight and she sighed on my shoulder "are you mad at me?" i asked her quietly and i saw Camila walk up to Y/N's room, "No i'm not" she said softly "then why did you leave early? be honest with me" i asked her while frowning. "Because....for some reason i don't really like Destiny" she said i look at her eyes my arms still wrapped around her "Why? she's a nice girl" i said she nodded "she is but today she said something rude to me and i got pissed" i sighed "What did she say?" she shake her head "Nothing, Lauren i'll see you tomorrow alright?" she said smiling i pouted "Lauren..." she warned and then giggled i smile as she squish my cheeks with her hands. "Go, i'll see you tomorrow" she said i then tap on my cheek, she looked at me confused "Kiss" i said smiling she chuckled "Really?" i nodded "Really" she rolled her eyes and peck my cheek making me smile widely and hugged her one last time "See you" i mumble she nodded "See you in school" i sighed and finally exited her house.


Next morning, i was walking down the hall to my locker then i put my stuff inside and started getting new books for my next period, i turned around and closed my locker with my back and look up. I then saw Y/N i smiled but she didn't see me she was busy on her notebook, i walk to her slowly and saw her shoes untied i then saw her step on one making her trip but i caught her as fast as i could. "Shit sorry" she mumble she then saw me "Tie your shoes next time" i said kissing her forehead she smiled and i bent down and tied her shoelace. I stood back up and smile at her who blushed "Thank you" she said i nodded and hug her "what class do you have next?" i asked her "Oh i got English you?" i nodded and smiled "English" she chuckled and began walking and i walked beside her. We entered English and sat together at the back our teacher said that we're watching a movie so people may sleep, well no one actually cares anyway.

When the movie started Y/N laid her head on my shoulder and i lean to her and place arm around her shoulders so she would be comfortable, she sighed and close her eyes slowly "Are you sleepy?" i whispered she nodded slowly. I smile at her and pulled her closer to me making her nuzzle her nose to my neck, "do you have food?" she asked quietly i look down to her and she was pouting i smile "aw" i cooed and poke the tip of her nose making her scrunch it adorably. "Of course i do, do you want snickers?" i asked quietly she nodded "Anything" i giggle and got a pack full of snickers, "here" i said placing it on my lap in front of her. She smiled and kissed my cheek "Thank you" she whispered making me smile and nod she opened one and began eating it "you can finish it if you want" i said she look up while chewing i just smile at her. She looks so adorable like a little munchkin! "Are you sure?" i nodded "yeah, i have one more pack in my locker" i said and chuckled she nodded and bury her face to my neck and continued eating.

I felt her staring at me so i look down at her she was holding up the chocolate to my lips i look at her confused and she just smiled so i chuckle and bit on it making her smile widely and ate the rest of the chocolate. In the between of the movie we finished the snickers and she sat up straight "Do you want water?" she look at me and smiled "yes please" and i gave her my bottle, she then drank on it and i drank some after. Okay it's like we just kissed....nah it should me lips to lips, i pulled Y/N back to my arms and she sighed and close her eyes "wake me up when the bell rings" she whispered in my ear "Sure baby girl" i whispered back. I look around the room and suddenly lock eyes with Destiny, i smile at her but she just gave me a small smile and look away. Wow, what happened to her? I got my phone out and quickly text her.

Lauren: Des you alright?

i waited for her reply and good thing she did.

Destiny: Yeah i'm fine, Y/N asleep?

Lauren: Hahaha! yeah she is :)

Destiny: Oh cool, well uh i'm gonna watch the movie now.

Lauren: Wait! you looked so disturbed or something....why?

i look up at her and she was frowning she sighed and replied back to my text.

Destiny: I'm not just...nothing :) i'm alright just really tired and sleepy

Lauren: Oh come here and cuddle with Y/N and i

Destiny: No thanks, Y/N already got you so i'll just sleep on top of my desk

Lauren: But...i'm alone, she's asleep i can't talk to her *pout*

She looked up and i pouted at her making her smile and chuckle, she rolled her eyes at me playfully and i just smiled.

Destiny: Fine

Lauren: YAAYY!!

I then saw her stood up and walk to us and sat beside me "Hey" i greeted she smiled and lay her head on the other shoulder which i don't mind.

Your POV

I opened my eyes and saw Destiny and Lauren talking, Destiny's head was also in Lauren's shoulder and Lauren didn't even notice me sat up she was busy talking to Destiny of course. I sighed and look for Camila who fell asleep on her desk i smile and slowly walk to her and sat beside her, i placed my head to her shoulder making her stir. "What the hell?" she mumble but when she saw me she went back to sleep and i fell asleep with her.

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