Chapter 33

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Lauren's POV

Today is now our 4th day here in Paris and tomorrow will be our last day sadly, we've enjoyed hanging out with Alexa and now it's the end. We took so much photos and i can't wait to hang them on my wall in my art room, beautiful things happened in Paris we get to taste new food, try new things but the most important one was me asking Y/N to be my girlfriend. I still can't believe she said yes to me and it actually made me happy!! anyway we're here in our hotel room and my baby is still asleep, it's just 9:00 am and i decided to wake her up. I lean down and kiss her nose at first she didn't move but the second time i kissed her nose she scrunched it i smile and then kissed her lips "Wake up baby" i said she groaned and bury her face to the pillow "Nooo" she mumble i smiled at her cuteness and kiss her head. "Baby, there's a buffet downstairs i know you're hungry" i said rubbing her back, i kissed her cheek lingering my lips there for a while making her groan slightly "Mwah...come on baby!!" she rub her eyes cutely making me smile "Come on cutie" i said kissing her lips once more. She yawned and stretch her arms, "Lauren?" i look at her "Yeah?" i asked "Hug me?" i smile and hugged her tight i heard her sigh "I love you" she mumble "i love you too baby" i said kissing her head.

She finally stood up and she fixed her shirt and hair, when she was done we walk downstairs hand in hand. When we entered we went to the food and began grabbing a plate, "i'll get us a seat okay?" i said kissing her temple "Okay" she said and continued to get food, i got a place to sit and sat down waiting for her to finish. Soon she came to me with her food and i smile at her "Okay my turn i'll be back alright?" she nodded and kissed my lips before i stand i then got just bacon and eggs and some pancake and hash brown. I got some orange juice and walk back to Y/N, i sat down next to her and she smiled "Ohh i didn't know there was hash brown, where did you find it?" she asked "Oh the very end" i said she nodded and was about to stand but i just pull her down. "Here you can mine" i said giving her my two hash browns "Are you sure? i mean this is yours" she said i smile and peck her lips "What's mine is yours now" i said she smiled and kissed my cheek "you cutie" she cooed in my ear making me laugh. "I love you" i said looking at her eyes she smiled "I love you too Lauren" she said kissing me again, i'm sorry but i love saying i love you to her because it's been so long since i've said i love you to someone. Well you know like the love love kind not just a simple i love you.

Once we've finished we walk back to our hotel room "Do you wanna like buy stuff?" i ask she shrug "sure, do you want to go shopping or something?" i nodded "Sure, i'll go wherever you go" i said she smiled at me before going to the bathroom "I'm gonna shower first" she said i nodded and i laid down on our bed. I then saw Y/N's phone, i unlocked it and went to her photos looking at her selfies i smiled at every single one and.....i kinda sent some to me...SHHH! Don't say anything! I then started taking selfies on her phone. I went to her Instagram and posted my picture saying 'My girlfriend is the most hottest and sexiest girl in the world! i am so lucky to have a girlfriend like her!!' i chuckled and put her phone down and took a quick nap. Once i heard the bathroom open i opened my eyes seeing my girlfriend on a towel i bit my lip and stare at her up and down "Lauren i can fell you staring at me inappropriately" i blushed and she walked to our bed to put moisturizer on her legs. I stare at her legs as she rub the moisturizer in her skin my eyes then started to up but stopped and blushed when I realize where it's going. "Lauren, stop being naughty" i giggle and peck her lips, "I'm sorry you just look so fucking sexy" i said she smiled at me "Lauren..." i chuckle "Fine...i'm gonna shower" i said going to the bathroom.

After i shower i dressed up and we walk to the nearest shop, i saw Y/N looking at a dress and it actually look so cute "Hey babe what you got there?" i asked wrapping my arms around her waist "Just wanna buy this dress, does it look good though?" she asked turn around on my arms. "Well i want to see it on you so i could tell you if it's beautiful" i said pecking her lips "Okay, i'm gonna try it on" she said excitedly i let go of her and she ran to the changing rooms. As i wait for her i walked around the shop suddenly i heard someone called my name so i walk back to my girlfriend and my jaw dropped when i saw her in that dress she looked at me and giggled cutely. She then walked to me and closed my mouth "You're drooling babe" she whispered on my ear and i snapped out of my thoughts and embarrassing wiped the side of my mouth. "Sorry" i mumble shyly she giggled again making me smile "You should definitely get it" i said nodding "You look so perfect in this outfit" she blushed and kissed me "You're being cute again" she mumbled and then kept kissing me i smile and placed my hand on her back and pulled her closer.

As i was about to deepen the kiss she cupped my cheeks and slowly pulled away "People are watching Lauren" she said smiling at me i look around and some people were looking at us, i sighed and faced my beautiful girlfriend. "Whatever, but you look beautiful Y/N this is perfect for you" i said caressing her cheek she smiled at me cutely "Okay, i'm gonna buy it" she said pecking my lips "I'm gonna change into my clothes again" i nodded and sighed when she went inside. Shit that girl is just so.....UGH BEAUTIFUL! She makes me feel so happy and loved, it's been a while since i've experienced real love. I am so damn thankful that she's now my girlfriend and i wish i won't fuck our relationship because i'm really enjoying being with her like i said she's my happiness. When the door opened she ran to the counter and i laughed and followed her she paid the dress and i offered to hold the bag for her. We walk to a jewelry shop and something caught my eye i walked to it and smiled i look around and saw Y/N following me "Hey" i opened the charm bracelet and tried it on her and it fit perfectly. "What's this?" she asked "I'm buying it for you because it's like a remembrance from Paris" i said kissing her cheek she smiled "Okay but i'm buying you one too so we could match" she said smiling sheepishly i laughed and kissed her temple.

Once we paid for the charm bracelets i put hers on her wrist and she put mine on my wrist, "This is perfect" she said smiling i sighed "Can i get a kiss from my girlfriend now?" i asked pouting "not yet, it's already still 3 let's wait til we get home" i groaned and she laughed and pulled my hand. Hours later we finally decided to walk back to the hotels with a lot of bags, well she bought some stuff for her parents i did too for my dad and we've shared money for the girls. When we went inside i dropped the bags and dived to the bed "UGGH FINALLY" i mumbled against the pillow i heard Y/N's cute giggles "Lauren it's just 8pm" she joked "Are you kidding me? that was the longest shopping shit i've ever done" i said she smiled and changed into her home clothes and i did the same. When i was done i dived to the bed again and spread my legs and arms "Really?" she asked raising an eyebrow i laughed and shrug she then crawled to my side and kiss my cheek "Thank you for coming with me babe" she cooed on my ear and then she began kissing my jawline to my neck. I wrap an arm around her waist and she kept kissing and sucking on my neck "Wow, i thought you haven't done this before?" i said quietly i felt her smile "well i've learned them from you since you always give me neck kisses" i nodded "True" i said she just smiled and peck my lips.

"You know you gotta stop wearing these short shorts" i said she look down to her shorts "What why?" she asked confused "It's making me crazy, seeing those perfect legs are just making me crazy" she chuckled "Why? cause you can't touch it?" i bit my lip and look at her unsure. "Oh so you want to?" i shrug "You're choice, i don't want you to be uncomfortable" i said she smiled "Lauren, i'm your girlfriend now you can do anything except for the things i'm not ready for" i nodded "Okay, it's just i wanted your permission" she nodded "It's alright baby" she said kissing my nose. "I'm tired" i said groaning "Would you like a massage?" she asked "Would you do that for me?" i ask she nodded "Of course" she said sitting up i roll to my front and she lift my shirt up a bit. "We don't have oil so maybe lotion? Is that alright?" i nodded "Yeah anything that's slippery" i then heard her running and then went back to the bed. Soon i felt her soft hands rubbing my back and i moaned "Uhh.....yes....that part hurts" i said and then she massaged that part, i then felt my eyes growing heavy but i kept them open. "You can sleep if you want to babe" she cooed in my ear "are you sure?" i asked"Yep, i'll just stop when you're fully asleep" i nodded "Goodnight kiss?" i ask she smiled and lean down to capture my lips "Goodnight" she said sweetly i smile sleepily and finally fell asleep.

A/N: As i read this chapter I like really imagine Lauren and I doing these stuff and it's so freakin cute! Just saying. Do you guys feel the same? 😊

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