Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 3

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Hisayo and Akio slowly made their way through the crowded street that was to lead them to the Hokage. They were use to the congestion though, having passed through busy villages in the past. The only difference this time was that they weren’t just travelers passing through. Instead Akio had decided that after many years of leading a nomadic life taking jobs as mercenaries, that they should settle down in a village and apply for positions in the ranks. At least, Hisayo should he thought.

He wanted her to be able to interact with people more and hopefully make friends. Living here in a strong and safe village where no one knew of her past and origins would give her a chance to live normally without any kind of bias towards her because of what she was. She could be accepted. And hopefully she could learn to express her feelings to others without fear.

“It seems to me that you have already left an impression on a few people in this village, Hisayo.” Akio teased, remembering the awe struck stares she had received from the two young men back at the gate.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Hisayo said completely indifferent to her sensei’s comment. Akio just sighed.

“We are going to be living here now, so you should show a bit of interest in making a friend or two. Don’t you think, Hisayo?” Akio maneuvered around a cart of fruit being pushed through the street.

“Why? It would be better if we didn’t create unnecessary ties. It leaves little room for disappointment. You should understand why I feel this sensei.” Hisayo stated sternly.

“I know Hisayo, but let‘s at least make friends with the Hokage, alright? He is the one we need to be on good terms with at least.” Hisayo stopped and looked to her sensei. Akio realizing she had stopped, halted himself and turned around to face her.

“I know this is something that I will have to get use to. I know that…that this isn’t our old clan village but…” Hisayo clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes recalling her clan and experiences.

Akio slowly walked to Hisayo and placed a comforting hand on her head. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here for you Hisayo, just as I always have been before. We will get through this together.” Hisayo simply nodded her head.

She knew that Akio would never leave her side. He would always understand and accept her for what she was. Demon or not, he would always care. For sixteen years he had continued to be the parent she needed, showering her with advice and knowledge, but most of all love. The kind of love only a father could give. She trusted him and knew that he would get them out of here if the village found out about her and decided to act against them.

“Thank you, Akio-sensei.” Hisayo looked up at him with soft eyes and a small smile. Akio equally did the same before looking on ahead.

“It seems as though we’ve reached our destination.” Akio removed his hand from Hisayo’s head and looked up at the Hokage mansion that stood before them. Hisayo turned to look at it as well.

“Shall we go then, Hisayo?” Akio gave a closed eye smile and began entering the building with Hisayo close behind.


The Hokage of Konoha sat comfortably in his chair smoking his pipe and reading over some reports given to him earlier in the day from a few shinobi that had returned from long missions. He was nearly halfway through the reports when a knock sounded on his door.

“Enter.” A shinobi with short hair and sunglasses entered the room and knelt down in front of the Hokage.

“Forgive the intrusion Lord Hokage but there are two travelers who wish to speak with you. Shall I let them in?” the Hokage took his pipe out of his mouth and exhaled a heavy cloud of smoke.

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