Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 8

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Hisayo leaned up against the wall in the mission counter’s room waiting for her assigned team. Her thoughts hung heavily on the talk she and the Hokage had just had minutes ago. She knew that her choice earlier would have its good points and bad points, just like everything else had, but that wouldn‘t give her much trouble. The only thing she knew she would have trouble in was the socializing department. She would have to give more effort than what she had given before, which was near zero. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. If she were to survive any kind of mission no matter the difficulty, then she would have to interact better between her teammates.

Hisayo’s eyes shifted to the sound of the door being opened. In walked her team. The one she would be with for the rest of the year. It had been the Hokage’s decision on how long she would stay with the team.

“I still say it’s your fault I missed out on a perfectly good set of kunai!” Hisayo began preparing herself for what she was about to do after hearing the first voice.

“No, it was your fault! If you hadn’t been picking on Suzume again, then I wouldn’t have been yelling at you to apologize!” Akira’s red shirt moved past Hisayo’s gaze. She took in relaxed breaths of air through her nose and out her mouth.

“Akira it’s okay. Please stop arguing over it.” Suzume put her over sized sleeves together in front of her and looked to the ground as if expecting more yelling, which did soon follow.

“Yeah Akira listen to Suzume so you don’t hurt her feelings.” Ken mocked. Hisayo pushed herself off the wall.

“Would you knock it off! It’s too early for this!” Jiro was about to knock Ken over the head for probably the hundredth time that week. His hand stopped short when Hisayo put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“It would be best… if you apologized and just…got over this.” All four’s actions came to a dead stop and their attention was slowly turned in her direction. She had never once involved herself in any of their disputes nor had she talked to any of them this past week until now. It was very surprising to say the least.

“U-um…” Ken was at a loss for words. He didn’t quite know how to react to Hisayo’s change in behavior.

“Just…apologize.” Hisayo gently turned Ken to face Akira and Suzume.

“I’m…I’m sorry you guys.” Ken looked to the floor and scratched the back of his neck. What else could he do but follow her command without argument. He was just too astonished to do otherwise.

Jiro couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. He couldn’t ever get the two boys to stop fighting long enough to get any of them to apologize. He figured that it was only due to Hisayo’s surprising actions. Yup, they would all be bickering again soon and forget all about before he thought.

“Good. Now, we have a mission to handle.” Hisayo held up the mission scroll, that she had already taken the liberty of getting before the four had arrived, and started heading for the door.

The four stood there for a few moments, still affected by her actions. “Well? Are you coming or not?” Hisayo looked over her shoulder to her team.

Suzume was the first to react. “Yes. Coming Hisayo-san.” She ran towards Hisayo. The other three soon followed in silence with dumbfounded expressions. Hisayo turned her head back around and opened the door. Her thoughts went back over her talk with the Hokage as they all made their way through the door and out of the building.


“I’m giving you a choice to move up from where you are right now. I can tell from this past week that things aren’t going so well where you are at now. I can use you in a different area. Your skills will be used there more. What do you say?” again the Hokage patiently waited.

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