Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 27

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“Why do you keep looking at that picture? Is it your favorite?” Akio looked over from his comfortable position on the floor at the woman happily staring at said picture.

He noticed that she was looking through the same picture book that he had given her a few months back. She turned and smiled despite the pain from a bruised jaw. He slightly frowned upon seeing it and wondered how she still continued to smile despite everything. “Yes, it is. Look at how beautiful it looks.”

Akio rolled over on his side with an elbow propping his head up, and  looked down at the photo she was still pointing at. “Konoha?” He rose an eyebrow, “What’s so great about that one? Why not a village in the Land of Snow, or the Land of Wind?”

 “Snow is too cold,” Megumi shook her head, “and I don’t like the sand or wind either. Konoha looks like its nice all the time. I would want to go there…if I could that is.”

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you be able to go?”

“Did you forget Akio? The clan? I’m forbidden from going anywhere.” The young woman’s voice became small and filled with sadness and disappointment.

“I’ll take you one day then.” Akio announced as though it was not a big deal. He then rolled back over on his back and put his hands behind his head while he closed his eyes.

Megumi perked up at his words. “Do you mean that?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I?”

“Because Leader-sama and the rest of the clan would tell you no.”

Akio‘s green eyes opened and shifted to look at the gloomy face of the white haired beauty. “My brother would let me if I asked him. No one would tell him no, not even the elders. So, would you still want to go if I took you?”

Megumi‘s face lit back up, “Of course!” she cried out happily as she jumped at Akio and wrapped her arms around his midsection, earning a surprised grunt from him.

“H-hey, warn me next time will you?“ Akio sat up with a slightly red face as he looked down at the lightly giggling woman.

“Sorry.” She looked up at him with a closed eye smile as she giggled, “I just couldn’t hold in my excitement.”


The daytime light followed by a strong sterile smell flooded Akio’s senses as he came to. At first his eyes hurt because of the light he had not seen for so long, but after several minutes they were able to adjust and focus clearly. The first things he noticed was the cast and sling over his right arm. Next was his head, and then his torso covered firmly in bandages. He then slowly turned his head to look out his window to see several familiar buildings.

“I said…I’d bring you here…to Konoha.” Akio whispered before he gave a small tired sigh and closed his eyes, turning his head back to its earlier position. He was back, no doubt in a lot of trouble by a certain white haired female. He gave a light smile at the thought.

“Sensei.” Akio turned his head to face the wall opposite of his window to find a white wolf. It was comfortably laying down with its front paws crossed.

 Here we go, Akio thought with a good hearted sigh.

“Hey there. I see everything went well.” He simply said.

“’Went well?’ Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you caused? You have a lot of explaining to do.” The white wolf stood up, walked towards Akio, and stopped at his bed side as it transformed into a very unhappy looking Hisayo. “What were you thinking going to our clan alone like that? You let other people know but me? Why would you do that? Have you no trust in me?”

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